Kevon Daley and Daley Strength Lab on Going Beyond the Physical in Fitness

Most fitness experts focus on the health and result of their studies, practices, and exercise regimen. However, Kevon Daley likes to emphasize the importance of exercise as a means of healing. He has developed a philosophy that aligns with his belief in optimizing human performance.

Kevon Daley, also known as Coach K, is a well-known coach in Miami, Florida. He graduated from Florida State University with a degree in Exercise Science. Passionate about health, Daley went on to become a Certified EXOS Performance Specialist. From there, he would amass over thirteen years of experience in the field, developing his skillset to heal those in pain through corrective exercise, mobility, and defining better habits for each of his clients.

The fitness coach carries a philosophy of movement as he believes that everyone is meant to move like an athlete in their own right. Daley was blessed to study the brightest minds and coaches of the highest strength level in the industry, and he was able to create a path for his clients to develop the habits of a high-performing athlete. Seeing his clients do things they never thought they could or would again gave Daley the satisfaction and motivation to continue in his career and help people with their goals, be it weight loss, hypertrophy, mobility, or gain more energy.

Kevon Daley would then launch his company Daley Strength Lab based on a fundamental understanding of how human performance can be optimized. While looking nice and fitting into clothes we like are confidence boosters, Daley strives to help people develop the proper habits to fuel the body correctly, recover optimally, increase their sense of mental space, feel great, and move well.

As a coach, Daley takes a holistic approach to fine-tuning the basics of his clients’ foundation. He often starts with a proper assessment to know their goals, why they want to achieve them, and understand how their bodies move. Daley offers a six-week jumpstart program that is habit/nutrition-based and focusing on resetting the digestive system. Daley Strength Lab offers a 90-day transformation program composed of mindset, nutrition, activity, and recovery for people looking for something more personalized with a full accountability aspect.

What makes Daley such an incredible coach is his passion for the human body. He has the ability to apply everything he learned over the years from continuing education and experience of many different body types allows him to take a detailed approach with anyone who works with him. Daley takes pride in the responsibility of his client’s well being and anything he puts out into the world to provide others with accurate information.

Although he has already significantly contributed to the fitness industry, Kevon Daley still feels he has a lot more to offer. He not only wants to help others reach their goals; Daley wants to help his fellow coaches in the field. With a saturated field in the online market, the fitness expert intends to elevate the market to explode even more. Daley sees himself as the go-to guy for different training models and helping thousands whether they’re online or in person.

To learn more about Kevon “Coach K” Daley, you may visit his website. Daley can also be reached through Instagram or Twitter.

CEO Lisa Collum Helps Women Draft Their Roadmap to Financial Freedom

With billions of users on the Internet, the digital space is widely regarded as a viable and proven platform to launch a business venture. Entrepreneurs worldwide have taken advantage of this platform; however, not all are earning what they deserve.

Helping women draft a one-way roadmap to success, celebrated entrepreneur Lisa Collum is dedicated to making business ventures stand out and prosper.

A CEO, well-received author, top educator, and a busy mother of four, Lisa Collum, is an expert at wearing many hats at once. Determined to see other women stride with confidence while balancing theirs, Lisa set off to find ways to help. She soon identified the need for better writing instruction.

With only a hundred dollars in her pocket and almost no business experience, she lit the idea for an educational company, Top Score Writing, Inc., and fanned it into a flame. While growing the company into an impressive million-dollar venture, Lisa Collum expanded and established the Coastal Middle and High School, where she serves struggling students in 6th-12th grade. 

“My focus is on helping you create strategy and tactics that consistently generate more revenue, lead to freedom, and do it all with balance,” she shares.

Propagating a unique system that prizes learning and results, among others, the lauded entrepreneur’s winning curriculum has been adopted nationally by hundreds of public, private, and charter schools.

Seeing an opportunity to further her reach with this curriculum, Lisa Collum is pouring 16 accomplished years of boosting women up the ladder into providing free marketing strategies online. 

Taking advantage of the digital space to connect to a broader audience worldwide, Lisa has been a key figure in numerous successful ventures. By helping women draft a roadmap tailored to their businesses, Lisa helps women tap into their power and claim the life they want to live. 

“There are challenges to building a business, especially if you’re starting your business as a side hustle.” These challenges, outlined and identified by the brilliant entrepreneur herself, include responsibility, understanding one’s path, adopting and developing a proven strategy, and taking the first step into the industry.

Having overcome these hurdles and flying past obstacles, Lisa Collum is more than capable of guiding others to do the same and is considered one of the go-to mentors for entrepreneurial success.

Under her tutelage, aspiring and struggling entrepreneurs can achieve clarity, accomplish goals, fulfill their vision, and craft an ongoing, long-term strategy. “The strategy is a strong female boss’ most valuable asset, and it’s not fully harnessed,” Lisa reveals.

“There is no shortage of stories from women who ended up sacrificing their mental and physical health for the growth of their business. They may have achieved success, but it’s not sustainable – it’s bittersweet,” and CEO Lisa Collum knows precisely what will sweeten that taste.

Get to know the fantastic entrepreneur and learn her secret of balancing blissful family life and a million-dollar venture on Top Score Writing, Inc.’s Instagram profile. Reach out to Lisa Collum and be a part of her journey as she guides women to success by following her on Instagram and her official website

Every Person on the Planet Has a Divine Purpose—Finding It Starts with Alignment, Says Jeremy Griffin

You might have heard the phrase “divine purpose” thrown around here and there. It’s a term that refers to your personal life mission, one that only you can fulfill. It’s an intense passion, spark, and drive that helps your mind, body, and soul to feel in total alignment. When you have those ‘ah-ha’ moments that fill your mind up with warmth and happiness, you know you are working toward what you were meant to do on this planet.
Of course, finding a divine purpose can be easier said than done. Many people will live their entire lives without finding that purpose. Whether it’s fear of criticism, loss of a job/finances, or deep-rooted trauma that has impacted a person for the entirety of their life, they feel inadequate or unworthy of finding something so peaceful and abundant as a divine purpose. 

One transformational coach and mind, body, soul mentor, Jeremy Griffin, has found his personal divine purposehelping those who feel the calling find their purpose too. Having worked with everyone from CEOs and entrepreneurs, to doctors, relationship coaches, and yoga teachers, Griffin specializes in helping clients unearth their true calling behind all of their subconscious blockers.

“Our bodies are amazing machines, able to create  these coping mechanisms that protect us from particularly hard experiences and memories,” said Griffin. “The problem is that this same mechanism can contribute to a deeply ingrained negative belief system deep inside our subconscious, which can prevent us from really getting to know ourselves. When we disconnect from ourselves, we become unhappy, depressed, anxious, and lethargic. It doesn’t have to be that way.”

The State of Alignment

Griffin went on to state that our bodies are more than just physical skin and organs. They contain an emotional/mental component, and a soul. Together, our mind, body, and soul connection needs to be aligned if we want to truly explore our higher calling. When one of these components is shut down or inaccessible, it can throw the rest of our lives off.

Therefore, Griffin administers a proprietary transformation approach in which he helps his students release and rewire each part of their internal and external self to reach true alignment. It starts by removing blocks, old stories, an d self-sabotaging patterns that are purposely thwarting us from reaching our ultimate potential.

“Fear of getting to know oneself can lead to internal blocks that cut us off from our truth,” said Griffin. “Many times, removing these blocks is quicker and easier than people might think. They just need a trained objective perspective to expand awareness on things we can’t always see while embarking on our healing journey. This is why I created the conscious community that I manage today—everyone deserves to get to experience their divine purpose.”

Griffin has helped growth-oriented individuals become the natural leaders they were always meant to be. He has helped them shift their mindsets into that of purposeful, conscious creation, rooted in positivity. It all starts with the decision to explore the subconscious and make the necessary changes.

As Griffin likes to say, he’s an “aligned entrepreneur who takes a conscious approach to business and subconscious reprogramming.”

For more information, or to explore your true calling, visit

Horror Film Inspired Lifestyle Brand “Kleaver” Hacks Into the Clothing Industry With a Cult-Like Following

“Fashion-forward with a dark twist”this is the apt description of the rising lifestyle brand and merchandise company given by Derek Dillon, one of the diabolical minds behind the wildly successful “Kleaver.” 

Established in 2011, Kleaver has risen as one of the top clothing brands in the industry. Introducing designs that have left chills running up and down spines, the merchandise company is regarded as a lifestyle by its die-hard, cult-like following.

Kleaver is the brainchild of Spencer Charnas, from the famous metal band “Ice Nine Kills,” and Derek Dillon, of the fresh-faced band “Dead Things.” Together, the musicians launched Kleaver as a shelter for those who thrive in the dark. 

Currently living in Los Angeles, California, Derek Dillon is a serial entrepreneur who has one hand caught in the shadows of his ventures at Kleaver and another in his real estate investment company Dillon Realty Group. While staying on top of his game in the business scene, Derek also carries healthy interest and remarkable talent as a musician.

His up-and-coming band “Dead Things” is expected to break through the water in mid-2021. Joining hands with the brilliant Spencer Charnas from the Forbes-featured “Ice Nine Kills,” Derek has fronted various bands and toured world-selling merchandise for Spencer’s band. The serial entrepreneur’s business instinct and impressive income generation abilities have raked in multiple awards in the touring circuit.

Fueled by a passion for doing more, he dove into kickstarting Kleaver Klothing, the horror clothing brand, with Spencer Charnas.

Based out of Salem, Massachusetts, Kleaver is a haven for uniquely sinister collections that are released on every 27th of the month through the company’s venture “The 27 Club.” Along with thrilling merchandise, the lifestyle brand also drops a short horror film that shines a flashlight on the story behind its latest fashion line.

Satisfying the deepening craving for more products, Derek and Spencer recently expanded the clothing brand to include printing. The newly installed Kleaver INK offers everything from screen printing to T-shirt design—giving aspiring bands, brands, and businesses high-quality custom printed merchandise.

Through Kleaver INK, Derek and Spencer help fellow bands get their hands on flawless products from industry experts that will expand their fanbase and have listeners flocking to their shops.

On its latest venture, Derek reveals that Kleaver has made it its duty to ensure others have access to the best custom-printed merchandise and design services that helped Kleaver and Ice Nine Kills ascend to the top of the food chain.”

He continues, “We didn’t have anyone hold our hand through the process, and that’s why we want to offer it to people starting out.”

Providing value and knowledge unlike no one else, Kleaver and Ice Nine Kills stay at the top of the pyramid. Apex predators of the clothing company willing to pull aspiring musicians and entrepreneurs to their level, Derek Dillon and Spencer Charnas lifestyle brand and merchandise company cradles the hearts of its growing following.

Learn more about the celebrated entrepreneur Derek Dillon by following him on Instagram. To listen to Spencer Charms’ dynamic metal band, Ice Nine Kills is available on Twitch

Browse through the duo’s sinister collection by visiting Kleaver Klothing on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and its official website. Stay updated on Derek and Spencer’s latest venture, Kleaver INK, through Instagram and its official website.

Certified Life Coach Caldonia Rudd Reminds Women That They Are Phenomenal

In a world still evolving for the better, countless issues barring women from success remain rampant. Insecurities, childhood traumas, existing standards, and other obstacles continue to hold them back from realizing their dream. 

Reminding women of their potential and helping them leap over life’s hurdles is the celebrated life coach Caldonia Rudd

Based in St. Louis, Missouri, Caldonia Rudd is a certified life coach, lauded entrepreneur, and talk show host who has played an active role in guiding women toward success. Through her company, “She Is Phenomenal LLC,” Caldonia encourages her audience to take the elevator up to Cloud Nine.

“I will spend my life helping women live the life they desire,” the brilliant entrepreneur shares. “Whether your dream is to start a business, finish college, or achieve higher levels of success, I am here to help.”

Caldonia Rudd’s personal mission first took shape when she decided to become the inspirational figure that she needed as a young woman. Now carrying a glowing resume and an exceptional reputation, it is not easy to imagine that the life coach’s path was not covered in rose petals.

“My success in life has not come without trials and errors,” she reveals. “I have overcome poverty, the death of my father, abuse, alcohol abuse, and a series of obstacles in my life. In most of my struggles, I was alone trying to work through problems I had no clue how to solve.”

After making it through the rough roads by herself, Caldonia was determined no woman would ever be alone again. Guiding women on their journey to success, she established “She Is Phenomenal LLC” and later partnered with the Big Brother Big Sister organization, serving as a mentor to young mothers.

Not just to young mothers, Caldonia Rudd works in service for all women. Her work as a certified life coach helps her motivate women to overcome limiting self-beliefs and build goal-setting and leadership skills.

As a coach, Caldonia sets the right plans and support system in place. She provides the key to success by equipping women, especially young women, with the tools to survive and thrivehelping them take risks and step outside their comfort zones. 

Her tailored coaching programs have been instrumental in catapulting her clients to success, expanding her exceptional reputation in the industry. “I am not here to tell clients what they should do. My responsibility is to hold them accountable, guide, challenge, encourage, inspire, and help them on their journey.”

Determined to see more women in a nonstop ride to accomplishment, Caldonia also hosts her talk show The Caldonia Rudd Show, where she invites passionate and driven women to the coach and allows them to inspire other women to live their dreams. The show is broadcasted on Preach The Word Network TV and airs at 11 a.m. (EST) on Wednesdays. 

Learn more about the dynamic life coach and stay updated on her journey to realizing her mission. Witness as Caldonia Rudd reminds women of their power by following her on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. The lauded entrepreneur is also available on LinkedIn, and She Is Phenomenal LLC’s official website

Sweat It Out Podcast is Quickly Rising as the Top Discussion Hub for Health, Fitness, and Entrepreneurship

With a vision to encourage, motivate, and inspire people to maximize their potentials to the highest level, Anthony Mendez and Josh Evans took the initiative to establish a discussion hub where thought-provoking conversations can take place, and listeners can gain insights and inspiration. The iconic duo spearheads the Sweat It Out podcast as the best avenue for health, fitness, and entrepreneurship discussions.

Sweat It Out is a rising platform where hosts discuss educational, high-energy, health-driven, business-hungry, and high-value-hitting topics. Each conversation is designed to impact people’s lives in the most positive ways possible by helping them discover and maximize their true potentials in life.

The two visionaries behind the rising podcast movement are Anthony Mendez and Josh Evans. Both professionals have worked in the health and fitness industry for more than 11 years, respectively. Throughout a decade in their career, each of them has mastered the ins and outs of the health and fitness business industry. The two hosts have championed leading a high-performing business. 

As their way of giving back to the community, Anthony and Josh have committed to helping others achieve their fitness and business goals through the Sweat It Out podcast. The vision behind the podcast is geared towards guiding people in maintaining success and happiness in life. The discussions take into account how uncomfortability, failure and other challenges ultimately lead to success. It also serves to remind listeners about the immense control they have over their lives and the decisions they take in pursuing their goals. 

In the podcast, Anthony and Josh dive up-close and personal into their experiences. From massive challenges and failures to small and large victories, they discuss everything to deliver an impactful insight on how intention can be set for lofty goals. The hosts will discuss different ways of achieving anything a person puts his or her mind into through determination and coming up with a plan of action. 

On top of being informative, educational, and insightful, the podcast ensures delivering entertaining episodes, bringing the best and the brightest professionals in their respective fields to fuel the discussions and provide access into the daily life of high-performing entrepreneurs. Top entrepreneurs and personalities such as David Meltzer, Kevin Curry, Michael Chernow, Tim Kennedy, and more have been featured in the podcast and have discussed the different formulas they have used to attain their version of success. Some of the most notable sessions include those with American Football star Chris Gronkowski, leading sports specialist Dr. John Rusin, Kettlebell Kings’ Master Trainer Marcus Martinez, coach Kenny Santucci, and many more.

Indeed, Sweat It Out is quickly becoming the top health and fitness podcast as it gains thousands of listeners from different parts of the world. Its recent inception has not stopped it from gradually becoming a household name in the podcast arena and making a lasting impact on its listeners. 

To know more about the Sweat It Out podcast and its engaging sessions featuring the best of the best, you may check it out on Apple Podcast or Spotify.

DJ Prosperity Collaborates with Kdot to Create VII, a Classic Album

Morgan Moore (known by her professional name DJ Prosperity) is a professional Disc Jockey, singer, songwriter, and producer from Houston, TX. She is best known for her delivery and fusion of different instrumentals, sounds, groovy rhythms, and an overall chill vibe. With experience running well over 20 years in instrumentation, Prosperity has developed a remarkable ability to select melodic sounds and instruments that are an excellent fit for musical compositions.

Prosperity derives her unique music styles from Hip Hop, R&B, Jazz, and Pop influences. Growing up, Prosperity always showed her interest in music, and at the age of nine, she performed in a talent show by performing songs of artists such as Whitney Houston, who she regards as her inspiration. Tony Braxton, Donell Jones, Kdot, and J Cole are some of her other sources of inspiration and other artists such as Jill Scott, Frank Beverly, and Jagged Edge over the years.

While in the school band, she played saxophone through high school, after which she took up the keyboards and began playing, recording, and performing music. Prosperity creates music with a unique feel and sound, which thankfully is all thanks to her musical background and extensive music expertise. According to her, the consistent practice has greatly helped her during her career. In her words, “That’s how I was able to get my sound by practicing all the time.”

Prosperity collaborates with Keithan Randall (known by his professional name Kdot), another Houston artist, whom she has known since her High School marching band days for the fans’ listening pleasure and to bring out a fresh and new style of music and sound. With this collaboration, which is their first project together, Prosperity and Kdot will be combining their musical mastery on a joint album. The album is titled “VII” due to the number of tracks that made it to the final product, though initially intended to contain ten tracks. The album is a combination of RnB/Urban, Pop music. The majority of their music chords/keys inspired the artist to freestyle on top of illustrious drums. And they feel that the younger generation and older would love and get a feel and taste of our melodic tones.

On what separates her from her competition, Prosperity said, “All of our music productions are original. We would say that not selling our products or services for the intended use could be detrimental to oneself. Words are powerful, and the way you use them can either negatively impact or positively. Music in itself is its language, which people can use to express how they feel by using variations of sounds and tones.

DJ Prosperity’s latest collaboration with Kdot represents a new generation of singers, songwriters, and producers from HTX introducing eclectic urban sound, intending to make instrumental and energetic, fun, and lively music. “We feel that people would easily be able to gravitate to our select sound. We have not allowed anyone to record on our music because we don’t want just any lyrics associated along with our products.” She said.

To learn more about DJ Prosperity, visit her website, or connect with her on social media via Instagram.

Ki’s Kloset Takes Center Stage With its Dedication Toward a More Inclusive and Gender-Neutral Fashion Industry

Gender binary clothes have long existed hand in hand with societal norms and traditional gender concepts, limiting the ability of people falling under some areas in the gender spectrum to express themselves fully. But, today’s fashion industry has taken great strides to reflect the increase in awareness about the negative impact of gender binary roles as well as to support the movement toward inclusivity. One leading brand that has made it its mission to revolutionize the industry is Ki’s Kloset, and since its establishment, it has taken center stage for its unique, high-end offerings.

Even from a young age, people are already boxed into a mold dictated by society. Baby girls are gifted with pink clothes and given dolls to play with, while boys are told that there are specific colors and styles that they should not touch even with a ten-foot pole. But, California-based Ki’s Kloset seeks to address these restrictions through its work in the fashion industry. 

Founded in 2020 by Millie McKean, Ki’s Kloset, LLC grew from a seedling of a vision of conquering fashion barriers into a full-blown institution that is now making waves. Lovingly created by a mother determined to provide a future of endless fashion choices for her son, Ki, this acclaimed gender-neutral kids clothing brand does not categorize products as “for-boys” and “for-girls,” moving away from tradition. 

Throughout its rise to the summit, Ki’s Kloset has impressed customers and industry peers alike for its commitment to clothing children with top-notch apparel. More impressively, this eco-friendly brand has propelled itself even further to the forefront of the fashion scene for the 100% recyclable, vegan, and cruelty-free materials that stand at the core of its production. 

Ki’s Kloset takes pride in the direct and concrete relationship that it has built with the manufacturers and vendors, which allows this brainchild of Millie McKean to ensure accuracy and quality control. Everything that is released from its inventory is guaranteed to become an instant favorite among customers, and this focus on quality lies as one reason behind its supremacy. 

Highly driven by the goal to obtain customers and not orders, Ki’s Kloset goes all out in highlighting its main competitive advantage — its ability to sell fashion solutions. As a gender-neutral and eco-friendly brand, it manages to hit so many birds with its unique, bold, and edgy pieces of clothing that are designed to make wearers stand out among the crowd. Moreover, in line with the company’s dedication to offering recyclable and reusable offerings, all of the jeans available in its store contains a concealed, built-in, and adjustable elastic belt.

Ki’s Kloset has reached impressive heights within the industry as a relatively young brand. In the short amount of time since its launch, it has cemented its position and continues to be a force. It will remain passionate about giving children a more comprehensive set of options beyond what is available due to predominant gender roles in the coming years. At the same time, it hopes to contribute to a future marked by inclusivity. 

Learn more about Ki’s Kloset by visiting its website and Instagram page. 

Reed Advisory Group: Providing Reliable Solutions for Businesses to Thrive

For a particular business to thrive, most entrepreneurs struggle to decrease their expenses or increase their profits. However, the success of a company is not only limited to these two tactics. Other hidden solutions demand advice coming from experts in this field. Kevin Reed of Reed Advisory Group has already anticipated the need for these solutions and is always on the lookout to help other entrepreneurs handle their issues. 

Reed Advisory Group is a group of consultants whose mission is to bring savings to businesses, municipalities, school districts, and nonprofits. These consultants focus on decreasing expenses, but their ways come with a twist. They target multibillion-dollar strategic partnerships to provide for businesses that need expense reduction. No other eligible business consultants can earn the trust of these big-time partners. 

What makes Reed Advisory Group thriving is that they do not require any risk for a particular business to have their account analyzed. There is no fee if the goals are not met. Clients come to reduce their business expenses, and they often leave satisfied with the results. As long as the process is centered on trust, then clients will always come happy. 

Reed Advisory Group studies each business. Each consultant aims to learn about the company beyond what is superficial. The personal attention that is poured on every client makes this company stand out in the competitive industry. With a carefully-engineered software, it will be easy for the consultants to have a peek at which area of the business needs improvement or reduction.

The peak of the COVID-19 pandemic has also revealed the relevance of Reed Advisory Group. With businesses growing desperate over maintaining to be profitable despite the global crisis, business consultants’ demand has tripled. Kevin Reed does not view this as an opportunity to take advantage of the situation. Instead, he wants to help his fellow entrepreneurs earn when they need their profits the most.

With that being said, Reed Advisory Group never stopped operating. The group continues to share their knowledge about several expense categories and which one to focus on. Through utilizing connections with industry-leading professionals, Reed Advisory Group discovered more ways to help their clients overcome expenses. 

Established as a business consultant and service provider, the company is more than what it is known for. They want the world to know that their mission includes cultivating long-term relationships with clients for life-changing results. These life-changing results will be responsible for the success of their businesses, whatever they may be.

As days passed, the commitment Kevin’s company has for its clients, and potential clients continue to grow. Also, the flexibility and versatility this group offers are beyond measurement. There will be conferences available for clients who cannot meet the consultants personally or clients bounded by distance. Regardless, the processes remain the same, and the specialized savings programs successfully work. 

Having access to expert Engineers, IP Attorneys, Senior Tax Consultants, and Service Specialists, Reed Advisory Group will never let any client down. Visit their official website and fill out the contact form to book a no-cost, no-obligation call.

Social Media Influencer Nicole Evertsen Shares What It’s Like as a Brazilian in the United States

When the mobile app Instagram was first launched in 2010, it opened the doors to many new opportunities for everyone. Visual artists and photographers found a platform to showcase their works while businesses could advertise and inform people about their service. Instagram also became one of the earliest platforms that brought about influencers. Today, there are thousands of influencers worldwide, and among them is Nicole Evertsen.

Nicole Rabello Evertsen is an influencer who lives in the state of Utah. However, unlike other influencers, Nicole has the unique story of being born and raised in Brazil. She would later move to America at sixteen as a foreign exchange student. In the one year Nicole was studying abroad, she fell in love with the country and decided to come back one day.

After her studies, Nicole returned to Brazil and served a Latter-day Saints mission in the Sao Paulo East mission. Once her service was finished, Nicole would return to the United States. This time, she brought her mother and younger sister. Upon her return, Nicole and her family would move around and take residence in Connecticut, Ohio, Utah, California, Kansas, and New Jersey.

Nicole Evertsen started her influencer career in 2014 on Instagram when she partnered with different brands and companies. Nicole used her platform to sway her audience towards certain brands, products, or lifestyles like other influencers. With a growing following, more brands started reaching out to her to promote their products. Since then, she has accumulated over 169k followers on the social media platform. Apart from Instagram, Nicole also creates content on YouTube. There she covers various topics and mainly shares her lifestyle and what it’s like as a Brazilian living the dream in America. 

Scrolling through her feed, one can find that many of Nicole’s posts feature her husband, Tyler. The couple got married in 2015 in Salt Lake Temple and carried their reception over to Murray. Together, they share an enthusiasm and passion for exploring and traveling. It was only last year that the couple bought their first house together. 

When the mobile app TikTok started to gain more popularity, Nicole joined in the trend last year. Since November last year, she has been consistently posting about her daily life and adventures with her family and friends. Today, Nicole has nearly 200k followers on her TikTok.

Outside of being a social media influencer, Nicole Evertsen is also a professional wedding photographer. With a reputation as an influencer, she drops tips on how people can improve their photography skills, whether they’re using cameras or their mobile phones. Nicole’s newest venture has her opening two online stores early next year. 

The first store is a collaboration between Nicole and her mother. They will be using the earnings to donate to charities directed towards education. Her second online store will be run herself, which will then donate their proceedings to Bee foundations. More than anything, Nicole Evertsen loves making an impact in this world.

Nicole Evertsen’s works can be found on her Instagram. She also runs a YouTube channel where she posts her blog along with her TikTok.