An Introduction to the Artist and Entrepreneur Rey Rey Rodriguez

Rey Rey Rodriguez (born Rey Paul Rodriguez) is a renowned photographer, visual artist, content creator, entrepreneur, and is the founder of the brand The Mind of Rey Rey®.  The Puerto Rican born, South Florida artist came from humble beginnings and rapidly grew in popularity.  From his start in 2006, it didn’t take long for Rey Rey Rodriguez’s photography, graphic art, and video shorts to be found everywhere.

He began working as a freelance and pro bono photographer while building his portfolio.  His connections to non-mainstream, underground circles and individuals such as outcasts, thugs, fighters, alternative lifestyle communities, private events, fraternities, piercing and body modification groups, and several other people that enjoyed a taboo lifestyle, allowed him to shoot a mix of controversial artwork ranging from experimental, avant-garde, erotic, taboo, horror, macabre, morbid, gory, and sometimes violent photoshoots and short films.  While his unorthodox collections were banned in many places and online platforms, he grew a massive loyal underground following within a community of people he likes to call, “dark and artistic weirdos like myself.”

The creative stories behind the imagery, and the masterful methods of capturing the shots, combined with his unmatched marketing campaigns quickly gave rise to a new celebrity photographer capable of reaching a star status beyond the art community.  By 2014, Rey Rey was collaborating with celebrities, athletes, musicians, combat sports fighters, politicians, activists, major companies, and public figures of all kinds.

That year, the word “enter” was dropped from his catch phrase, “Enter the mind of Rey Rey,” to create “The Mind of Rey Rey,” which became the personal logo and watermark used on all of his photography and short films.  A few months later, it also became the name of his company.

The Mind of Rey Rey is a multimedia & creative marketing brand that provides services worldwide.  It was founded to help people, brands, and businesses grow and gain their own online presence.  “We’re here for everyone. During the Covid-19 pandemic, while many people were out of work or losing clients, we were able to help them start, build, and / or expand their companies, while still helping artists and public figures gain the recognition they seek,” says Rey Rey.

Rey Rey Rodriguez remains sought after by many for his renowned commercial, fine art, street, dark, and combat sports photography and graphic art, his mastery of personal branding, and his unorthodox social media and marketing methods.

You can visit his website and follow Rey Rey Rodriguez on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Heather Asiyanbi Helps Authors Write Their Stories with “Pens and Proof” Editing Services

Seasoned community journalist, content writer, and editor Heather Asiyanbi works with authors to bring their vision to life. Through Pens and Proof editing services she works closely with authors from the concept to completion  so their manuscripts are ready for formatting and publishing. Heather helps authors step out of their comfort zone by asking questions so they dig deep and produce work that resonates with readers long after they turn the final page.  

Heather founded Pens and Proof in August 2020 as a side business after more than 20 years as a community journalist, editor, marketer, and public relations professional. In the end, however, she realized she derives her greatest joy by editing, coaching, and ghostwriting. In February 2021, she jumped at the opportunity to work Pens and Proof full time, and it was one of the best decisions she’s made thus far.

Heather edits children’s books and heavy adult memoirs from predominantly female authors, which can make her days an odd combination of serious emotional baggage lightened up by whimsical rhymes about teddy bears. To date, she has completed editing two anthologies, a dozen children’s stories, and three ghostwriting projects of between 30,000 and 50,000 words each.

While Heather has spent the most part of her adult life writing content, from feature stories to blog posts, marketing materials, and press releases, she got burned out, prompting her to shift her focus to editing. She later realized that she experiences a unique kind of satisfaction when helping authors polish their work before publication. 

“Helping authors bring their stories fully to life is a feeling I struggle to describe. We work together to create a complete narrative that leaves their audiences happy they invested their time. To hear the joy in my clients’ voices when they hold a completed manuscript in their figurative hands makes every comma splice, each errant apostrophe, and all the contraction confusion absolutely worth the effort we pour into the work,” Heather said. 

As part of her services, Heather also writes press releases for the authors she works with to help them market their books strategically. Her marketing and public relations experience enables her to empower her authors to take a bold approach to promoting their books, from tapping into social media channels to appearing in the local news and holding book signing events at local bookstores, among others. 

Heather looks forward to the next couple of years as she continues to expand Pens and Proof. She envisions her business transforming into an independent publishing outfit that offers authors a one-stop shop for all their editing, coaching, ghostwriting, marketing, and public relations needs. Additionally, she plans to use Pens and Proof as an avenue for authors to learn how they can use their books to develop multiple streams of income. 

Find out more about Pens and Proof by visiting its websiteFacebook, and Instagram pages.

To Finding Inner Peace and Happiness in Life

Peace cannot be kept by force. It can only be achieved by understanding – Albert Einstein

Inner peace is a soothing feeling that each individual in this world craves. A person with internal peace is calm and happy, both spiritually and physically. Surrounded by pessimistic ideologies, many people believe that the notion of inner peace is flawed as it is impossible to feel happy in chaos. Still, it is quite the opposite in reality. The problem here is that human beings usually rely on different circumstances to find their inner peace, only to feel disappointed later. Individuals such as the Armenian pastor, Ara Torosian, managed to find their inner peace and happiness amidst a chaotic time when the Iranian Revolution was at its peak.

The state where fear and restlessness exist, experiencing inner peace, might sound unrealistic and too good to be true, but it is possible to find inner peace and satisfaction in life. Born in January 1979 in Tehran, Ara believes that inner peace comes from within. It is not about the circumstances or different situations that can provide one with peace, but it is more about how they self-reflect and connect with their deepest feelings and emotions. Once they learn how to tap into it, they will be opening doors to peacefulness and tranquility. While growing up at the time of the Islamic Revolution, this Armenian from Iran not only experienced the eight-year-long Iraq-Iran wall, but in 2001, his father also passed away in an explosion. As any human being would react in a situation like this, there was a time in Torosian’s life when his fears started to haunt him. He would wonder why life was so unfair to him or why he was born in a country going through a devastating situation. Questions like these helped Ara realize that the answer for each problem exists in the Farsi Bible. Dedicating his whole life to Jesus, Ara found out that the Holy book was helping him find his purpose, joy, and salvation in life. In a stressful and chaotic situation like the Iranian Revolution, one might break, but Ara Torosian is not one of those individuals. Instead of letting his fears get the best of him, this pastor delved into his deepest feelings to find the reason for each situation as he believes self-awareness is the way to find inner peace.

Spreading love and kindness in the world can also bless one with inner peace. Torosian learned the act of compassion from his mother, who was an elementary school teacher. Amidst the pain and discomfort in the society around him, he observed how his mother was gleaming with positivity, evoking a sense of hope in the children. Learning greatly from his mother, he decided to help others by being kind. He says, “I am a Child of God who has vision and passion for people. I want to carry forward a legacy for the next generation to follow. I want to spread the love of God, instill hope within individuals and motivate them to trust and love God.” 

During a lifetime, it is possible to encounter situations and meet different people who can have a long-lasting effect on someone during a lifetime. Ara always knew that God was looking out for him. He was sure about the fact that he had a greater purpose in life, a purpose to serve humanity. Taking this ideology forward, the 18-year-old Ara decided to attend a small Church in Iran, ready to pursue his career as a pastor. Following that, he moved to England to study theology to understand religion even more deeply. Ara was struggling greatly during this period, but he overcame each obstacle and fear. Manifesting change and holding onto his faith in God, in 2001, Ara was called to be a pastor and worked among refugees living in Turkey. Dealing with loving and talented children made him feel empowered and even more humbled to realize that God was finally showing Ara the ultimate purpose of his life.

Finding his inner peace and happiness, the loving pastor also introduced a Farsi Christian Music album in 2002 to guide the children towards God. While he always wished Farsi Christian programs and Music videos were of better quality and productions, his dream was to see Christian Music videos and Art programs to get global recognition. Not letting go of his ambitions, he arrived as a refugee in Los Angeles with his wife and soon started his YouTube career. As an executive producer and pastor, his only goal is to spread Jesus Christ’s message and help followers spread love, hope, faith, and peace in society.

Dr. Juli Mazi Recommends the Best Supplements for Better Digestive Health

According to the US Department of Health and Human Services, approximately 70 million people in the United States suffer from at least one gastrointestinal (GI) tract disorder. While a healthy diet can go a long way toward preventing such disorders, naturopathic doctor Juli Mazi says that taking the right supplements can be a major boost to one’s digestive health as well.

In this article, we’ll take a look at Dr. Juli Mazi’s top recommendations regarding the best supplements for digestive health in order to help keep digestion functioning as effectively as possible.

Although there is no one-size-fits-all for supplementation, these are common deficiencies that can make a huge difference for those suffering with GI distress.


The “good bacteria” in your gut plays a highly important role in the digestive process.  Probiotics help the body to absorb nutrients from food, and they are also the front line of the immune system.

According to Juli Mazi, one of the best ways to support the healthy bacteria in your digestive system is to take a quality probiotic. Probiotics are supplements that contain healthy, living bacteria that are able to aid in digestive health in addition to offering benefits such as strengthening your immune system and decreasing inflammation.

Along with taking a probiotic supplement, probiotics can also be found in certain yogurts and fermented foods and drinks such as sauerkraut and kombucha.  Typical supplementation for probiotics ranges from 20-100 billion CFU daily.


Dr. Juli Mazi explains that omega-3 fatty acids are able to support better digestive health in two key ways.

For one, omega-3 serves as a lubricant for your digestive tract, helping prevent constipation. Omega-3 also works to help reduce digestive tract inflammation, helping prevent inflammation-related conditions such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).

Omegas are actually anti-inflammatory for every single cell of the body, so they promote health for every body system and can help with overall reduction of symptoms.  It’s best to take Omegas in the form of Fish Oils, and Dr. Mazi emphasizes that quality matters.

All animals, humans and fish included store their toxins in the fat cells, so when choosing a fish oil, it’s very important to choose one that is quality checked for toxins.  This way, you know you’re getting the most therapeutic effects, and none of the potential toxins those fish have been exposed to in the ocean.

Vitamin D

In addition to helping support strong, healthy bones, immunity, mood, and hormone balance, Juli Mazi explains that a vitamin D supplement can be a great way to boost your digestive health as well.

Like Omega-3, vitamin D works to reduce digestive tract inflammation. Vitamin D also works to support and strengthen your body’s microbiome and support the good bacteria that aid in digestion.

The only natural source of vitamin D is sunlight, and in order to get optimal amounts of vitamin D from the sun, it requires 10 minutes of full-body, naked exposure to peak hours of sun per day.

Anyone who doesn’t receive this type of sun exposure will be deficient.  A good starting dose is 5,000 IU daily of Vitamin D.  As a fat-soluble vitamin, it’s important to monitor this one through blood labs.  Ideal vitamin D on blood labs is ~75.

Vitamin C

Dr. Juli Mazi says that most people do not realize that the digestive process begins in the mouth when they are still chewing their food. By promoting healthy gums and teeth, vitamin C is able to improve this important part of the digestive process.

Vitamin C also makes it easier for your body to absorb iron – another essential ingredient for great digestive health.  Another benefit of vitamin C is how helpful it is for peristalsis, which is the movement of the intestines.

For anyone suffering from constipation or gastroparesis, vitamin C can help.


Magnesium works to help the body metabolize protein, carbohydrates, and fat, and is, therefore, a helpful supplement when it comes to improving digestive health.

According to Juli Mazi, taking a magnesium supplement can help with digestive conditions such as heartburn, constipation, and indigestion. Magnesium is a very common deficiency, especially in people prone to anxiety.

Since anxiety is often linked to digestive upset, Magnesium can often help both. The best magnesium glycinate helps to achieve the supplement in your everyday diet. Ideal supplementation is 200 mg in the evening because magnesium has a calming effect, so it can also help promote sound sleep.