February 19, 2025

Social Media Influencer Val Cortez, Reveals the Secret of Her Flawless, Smooth Skin

Image Commercially Licensed from: Depositphotos
Image Commercially Licensed from: Depositphotos

The world of social media has become a home to a vast number of influencers, specializing in a multitude of aspects. And to stay on top of their game, it has become a necessity for all to inhibit such a lifestyle that is reflected in them. Val Cortez, a raging Instagram influencer with over 960k followers, born In Lima Peru and grew up in Buenos Aires, Argentina, recently, in an interview revealed the secret of her flawless, smooth skin that is so adored by her fans.

With Val’s ever glowing skin on her posts and live streams, it’s hard not to want to know her skin-care secrets. The influencer has a few pearls of wisdom to share on how she maintains her luminous look. Val shared her sacred beauty mantra that constitutes a strict daily routine and organic products. Before revealing the mantra, Cortez mentioned that; to be able to identify her ideal products and skincare routine, she had to undergo a long testing phase, trying several products, some of which even affected her skin badly. 

Cortez is widely recognized for her exciting adventures around the world that she shares on live streams and posts under @val.aroundtheworld. To have earned this many followers in the nick of time isn’t something that can be achieved just like that. It requires a boatload of dedication and attention to detail. Val shared that, “She has been grateful to have acquired an army of followers, and her only wish is to be able to always be up to the mark of their expectations.”

Her skincare regime:

Cortez is a believer in minimalist beauty. Over time, Cortez found the skincare products that are compatible with her overly sensitive skin – Japanese Skincare. And ever since the adoption of the skincare products, Val has been profoundly satisfied with their effects.

Her makeup routine:

Even though Val is amongst the most loved influencers, she sticks with minimal makeup except for photoshoots, as she is a firm believer in carrying off a natural look. For Cortez, Double cleansing is on the top of her list. She asserts that the very important thing for her is to never sleep with makeup on, for it clogs the skin pores and doesn’t leave any room for it to ‘breathe’. She has followed the same routine of cleansing and moisturizing both in the morning and at night since forever.

Cortez, during the interview, even asserted for a fact that the intake of healthy food has affected her positively which is clearly reflected in her posts. Val even exclaimed that she makes a note of drinking ample amounts of water throughout the day, which is one of the major reasons for her glowing and shiny skin.

Ultimately, by the end of the interview, Cortez left a generous message for her followers to feel comfortable and confident in expressing themselves, which is where true beauty comes from. Sure, a pretty face is a blessing, but its value reduces if you’re not pretty from within.

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