Navigating the Holidays: A Foster Child’s Perspective

Navigating the Holidays: A Foster Child's Perspective
Photo Credit To: Nicolette Moore

By: Nicolette Moore

The Unseen Side of Holiday Cheer

While most families revel in the joy of holiday traditions, a silent story unfolds in the lives of many foster children. Far from the festive spirit that fills the air, these children often navigate a world of complex emotions and untold stories.

The Challenge of Holiday Overstimulation

The bright lights and constant festivities can be more overwhelming than delightful for a foster child. The season, meant to bring joy, can inadvertently become a source of stress and anxiety. This aspect of foster care life is frequently overshadowed by the general merriment of the season.

An Advocate Is Shining Light on Foster Care Challenges

In this context, the work of Sharon Dunlevy becomes crucial. As an advocate for foster and adoptive parenting, Sharon brings insightful perspectives on the unique challenges these children face during the holidays. Her approach is not just about training and guidance; it’s about opening our eyes to a reality that often goes unseen. After working with foster families for the past 5 years, Sharon recognizes the painful reality most foster children face during the holidays. 

Understanding Emotional Turmoil

Sharon highlights the emotional turmoil foster children may experience during this time. “Holidays can stir up mixed feelings for these kids,” Sharon explains. “They might be torn between the joy of the moment and a sense of loyalty to their biological families.” Her work inside “Foster Care Training Today” does its best to support foster families, but there is a great need beyond what her business alone can do. 

Foster Care by Numbers: A Reality Check

With around 400,000 children in foster care in the United States, the scale of this issue is significant. Each child’s experience during the holiday season reflects the broader challenges within the foster care system.

Empathy and Support: Sharon’s Advocacy

Sharon’s role goes beyond advocacy; she provides practical solutions and support to foster families. Her training programs, backed by insightful research, help foster parents navigate the emotional complexities their foster children face during the holidays. Unfortunately, she is only able to directly support families in Ohio and Illinois and needs our help to pass the message along to the public- we can do great things for foster children this season. 

Action Steps for the Public

This holiday season, Sharon urges the public to take action. Whether it’s donating to foster care agencies, volunteering, or simply becoming more aware, every effort counts. “Understanding and support from the community can have a tremendous impact on these children’s lives,” she says. Go to to find your local organization that you can support. 

Conclusion: A Call for Awareness and Inclusion

The holiday season is an opportunity to extend our spirit of giving and inclusivity to foster children. By understanding the unique challenges they face, as highlighted by Sharon Dunlevy, we can make the holidays a more joyous time for everyone. Your actions, big or small, can contribute to bringing warmth and cheer to the lives of foster children, ensuring they too experience the magic of the season.

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