Dr. Chanita Fosters Helps People Regain Their Focus Through Her Brand Peace Purpose Paid

Despite the emphasis on the importance of mental health today, many people still overlook their own well-being to continue an exhausting pursuit for financial success. The endeavor can be traced back to the mindset that wealth can lead to money, enamoring people to abandon their own welfare. For Dr. Chanita Foster, the pursuit of wealth only led to depression. Rather than allowing it to consume her, Dr. Foster fought back and defeated her demons when she mastered peace. Realizing that she was not alone in the battle, Dr. Chanita Foster conjured up her program, Peace Purpose Paid.

Born in Detroit, Michigan, Dr. Chanita Foster is well-known for delving into several industries, creating a colorful resume as an entrepreneur, bestselling author, speaker, success coach, and moderator with experience as a policy advocate, communications specialist, and social sector expert.

With many endeavors under her belt, it was only a matter of time before Dr. Chanita Foster would experience burnout. Like many working professionals, she fell into depression. The experience led to a suicide attempt, but fortunately, Dr. Foster did not yield. Instead, she sought peace and realized that money was not enough to keep her happy. 

Moved by what happened, she authored the Best Seller Girl I’m Not Tripping I’m Depressed and became an advocate for Black mental health. Through her book, Dr. Foster has shed light on the taboo topic. However, she did not stop there.

Dr. Chanita Foster would further expand her platform with Peace Purpose Paid, a brand dedicated to transforming clients from focusing solely on money to finding peace and walking in purpose. She understands that the three keys to success are mastering one’s peace, understanding their purpose, and then getting paid.

“In a world where mental health is important, understanding how to master your peace is a key to success,” shared the success coach. 

Peace Purpose Paid gives people the option to either have a quick session to gain clarity or confirmation on a strategy or idea or hold three sessions with the option to maintain coaching sessions. Clients can also have a discovery or intro session to determine their focus, what it should be, and how Dr. Foster can help. From there, they can hold three sessions. 

Clients can select which P they want to focus on during the first session—peace, purpose, or paid. Later, they will hold three more sessions, finding peace, knowing their purpose, and getting paid. Once the client completes the three sessions, they can decide whether they want to continue mentorship with Dr. Chanita Foster or not. Additionally, Peace Purpose Paid offers merchandise like T-shirts, mugs, or journals. Their merchandise includes a T-shirt and journal combo, which clients can also purchase individually.

With cities still under lockdown, it can be easy for professionals working at home to encounter burnout and open the door for depression to creep in. Dr. Chanita Foster hopes to utilize her new platform to help her clients find their peace. Additionally, she hopes to take Peace Purpose Paid on a higher level and expand globally.

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