April Roberts: Empowering Gen X Female Entrepreneurs on Her Journey from Litigator to Life Coach

April Roberts: Empowering Gen X Female Entrepreneurs on Her Journey from Litigator to Life Coach
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April Roberts, a true inspiration and a guiding light in the world of entrepreneurship, has a story that encapsulates resilience, transformation, and the pursuit of purpose. Her journey from a successful career as a litigator to becoming a life coach and mentor for Gen X female entrepreneurs is a remarkable tale of personal and professional growth.

A Journey of Transformation

April’s transition from a litigator to a life coach is nothing short of extraordinary. Her career path has been a winding road, encompassing diverse roles, from practicing law to embracing the role of an Italian housewife. It was during her career in financial advising and retirement planning that she discovered her true calling in mentoring and guiding Gen X female entrepreneurs.

Championing a New Approach

One of the most notable aspects of April’s coaching philosophy is her commitment to empowering women while challenging the conventional hustle culture. She firmly believes that women have been shaped by masculine ideals in their careers, often at the expense of their own well-being. Her mission is to help these women embrace their feminine and masculine energies, fostering abundance in their lives without the burden of burnout.

Scaling Success

April’s achievements in the financial industry are a testament to her expertise and dedication. She successfully scaled her financial practice in the competitive Houston, Texas area to multiple seven figures, a testament to her ability to help clients retire successfully and stay retired. Her appearances on major networks like ABC, CBS, and Fox with her show “Retirement Now with April Roberts” are a testament to her status as a financial expert.

Awards, Publications, and Keynotes

April’s career has been punctuated by notable achievements, including being recognized as a top financial advisor. Her legal background in insurance law led to her writing legal articles that offered invaluable guidance to individuals navigating complex legal issues. She played a pivotal role in creating David Bach’s “Smart Women Retire Rich” national seminar, celebrating the 20th anniversary and reissue of his best-selling book. April has also delivered captivating keynote speeches at various events, establishing herself as a thought leader in both the financial and coaching industries.

Overcoming Challenges

April’s personal journey, marked by a challenging divorce and the integration of her parents into her business, showcases her resilience and unwavering commitment to personal and professional growth. Her experiences have molded her into the inspirational figure she is today, motivating others to overcome their fears, take action, and develop the courage, confidence, and competence they need to succeed.

Sharing Wisdom

April’s wisdom is a beacon for those seeking personal and professional transformation. She emphasizes that fear is often an illusion, and action is the key to conquering it. Her journey underscores the importance of tapping into intuition, recognizing the power of women as creators, and the value of receiving, resting, and thriving. Effective communication and nurturing relationships are also essential components of her success.

Future Aspirations

April envisions a bright future for both herself and her brand, Vixen Gathering. Their Big, Hairy, Audacious Goal (BHAG) is to host a Vixen lovefest at Madison Square Garden in 2030, and to grow to an impressive $100 million in revenue while staying true to their God-centered and purpose-driven ethos. In 2023, the goal is to generate $5 million in revenue, expand the Vixen Mastermind, and reach more women through their podcast, “The Vixen Voice.” April also aspires to work with a select group of 1:1 clients, guiding them personally, professionally, and spiritually.

In Conclusion

April Roberts’ journey is an inspiring testament to the power of personal transformation, resilience, and the pursuit of a life aligned with one’s purpose. Her commitment to empowering Gen X female entrepreneurs and her dedication to dismantling the hustle culture are making a significant impact in the business world. As she continues to inspire and guide women toward success and fulfillment, the future looks bright for both April and Vixen Gathering.


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