Steven Kawasumi on Why Collaborative Leadership Is a Catalyst for Better Company Culture

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Millennials are now considered to be the largest generation of the U.S. workforce, with Gen Z not far behind. It’s expected that by 2030 all Baby Boomers will have reached retirement age. This generational transition has brought with it a notable evolution in leadership styles. Where older generations preferred the traditional top-down management, younger generations are gravitating toward collaborative leadership. This shift is fundamentally reshaping the fabric of work culture.

But what exactly is collaborative leadership? It’s the embodiment of engaging employees outside of one’s formal authority, motivating them to unite in pursuit of shared objectives — despite varying convictions, cultural backgrounds, and operational norms. In other words, it’s a leader’s ability to oversee teams across diverse functionalities and organizational boundaries.

Rather than simply supervising projects and ensuring goal achievement, collaborative leaders work directly with employees and cross-functional teams to leverage collective expertise and achieve company objectives. This approach hinges on information sharing, inclusive consideration of diverse perspectives, and a shared responsibility embraced by everyone involved.

Steven Kawasumi, a Product Management Leader at Intuit and an accomplished executive and consultant, is one such leader. He believes collaborative leadership emerges as a catalyst for businesses; by reshaping traditional hierarchies and paving the way for a more dynamic and resilient organizational structure, these companies can truly thrive in their industries. 

What Is Collaborative Leadership?

Steven’s foray into collaborative leadership sprouted from a realization that the conventional hierarchical structure often stifles creativity and constrains the utilization of collective intelligence within organizations. He views collaborative leadership as an inclusive approach that fosters open dialogue and embraces diverse viewpoints. He believes it’s vital to create an environment where every individual feels not only heard but truly valued. This is what he models within his own company.

Here are some of Steve Kawasumi’s thoughts about why collaborative leadership is so transformative:

It Fosters Co-Responsibility and Mutual Accountability

At the core of the collaborative leader ethos lies the cultivation of co-responsibility and mutual accountability. There must be an emphasis on instilling a sense of shared ownership, where individuals not only hold themselves accountable for their tasks but also feel responsible for the collective success of the team. Teams become interwoven rather than operating as individual silos, so communication can flow effortlessly. There’s a higher sense of support within these organizations because of heightened productivity and a unified purpose.

It Cultivates a ‘We’ Over ‘Me’ Mentality

Within the framework of collaborative leadership, the collective triumphs over the individual. Steven advocates for a cultural shift from self-oriented achievements to celebrating collective successes. This shift in mindset serves as the cornerstone of a cohesive and harmonious work environment, where mutual support and collaboration fuel the company’s growth and prosperity.

It Inspires Innovation

In an era dominated by disruptive technologies like AI, fostering innovation within organizations is imperative. Harnessing the diverse skill sets and perspectives of individuals across the organizational spectrum is how companies can propel their innovativeness to unprecedented heights. This collaborative ecosystem becomes an incubator for groundbreaking ideas and solutions, propelling the company forward in an ever-evolving landscape of technological advancements.

Everyone Is Considered Equal

Titles merely signify roles, not hierarchy. Collaborative leaders champion environments where ideas flourish based on employees’ merit rather than the position of the individual proposing them. This leveling of the playing field fosters an atmosphere where voices are heard, contributions are valued, and innovation thrives, irrespective of one’s rank within the company.

It Solves Talent Issues

A natural consequence of embracing collaborative leadership is the creation of an environment where talent thrives. Organizations that prioritize collaboration become magnets for top talent, alleviating retention challenges and fostering an ecosystem where employees are inspired to excel and contribute their best.

Steven Kawasumi’s advocacy for collaborative leadership showcases its transformative power within organizations. This paradigm shift propels companies toward remarkable success in today’s dynamic business landscape.

Published by: Nelly Chavez

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