Cloud-Based LMS: 8 Amazing Benefits of Learning Software

Cloud-based Learning Management System have become the order of the day. With many tutors, companies, and employees/trainees preferring cloud-based LMSs over on-premise types, there must definitely be a catch to this feature. You might have heard of many of your tutor friends employing these methods in teaching distance learning classes, and you’re wondering what benefits they derive from cloud-based LMSs.

Not only your friends have seen the potential of cloud-based LMSs. Fortune Business Insight reported that the global learning management system will grow to about $50 million in 2028. Cloud-based LMSs will usurp the on-premise LMS in usage stats from these reports. If you’d love to find out why this category is increasing in popularity, this article is your guide. Read every word to find out why cloud-based LMSs are beneficial.

Benefits of Cloud-Based LMS Platforms

LMSs are particularly favored for their:

  1. Collaborative Feature

With most modern courses, the possibility of collaboration is not farfetched. A content writer might want to work with a video editor to bring animations and other features into the course. In on-premise LMSs, collaboration is quite stressful, and you’ll have to send updated versions of the course to the collaborators. 

This could lead to confusion, and if any updated file gets lost, it could derail the online course. With cloud-based LMSs, you can collaborate with people scattered globally. All collaborators need to send their versions to the server, and from there, everyone can do their parts seamlessly.

  1. Flexible Pricing

With most on-premise LMSs, it is only a one-time fee that provides you with all the features available. However, this one-fits-all solution could be too powerful for people who require simplified characteristics. However, with cloud-based LMSs, the reverse is the case.

You can always get different pricing options that provide different features and more sophistication as you go up the ladder. This way, everyone can get the type of pricing that fits the features they require.

  1. Takes Administrative Functions Off You

Every course creator wants as little stress as possible. You already have all that work to do with creating the actual content. However, with on-premise LMSs, you have to deal with installing the software and regular updates, if needed.

However, with cloud-based LMSs, you’re not saddled with these tasks. All you need to do is log in to your profile, create your content, and get it out to your students. The regular updates and maintenance checks are done automatically by the LMS manufacturers.  

  1. Quick Deployment

This is a feature that draws many companies to cloud-based LMSs. When purchasing an LMS, you hope to be able to use it as soon as possible, and this is now more feasible with cloud-based LMSs. They offer you easy deployment in which you can efficiently customize, design, and optimize the learning system to match your needs. You can do this all within a day and get your course creation process underway.

If you’ll love to get a try of various brands, you can always try the various free versions available.

  1. Ample Storage Capacity

When purchasing an on-premise LMS, you have to cater to your own storage needs. This means that if you have to create huge courses or an increasing student base, you might need a structural overhaul to survive this change. This will only increase your costs further and could even leave you with data transfer issues.

However, you have ample storage space to work with cloud-based LMS platforms. They provide you with various options of cloud storage space which you can upgrade if you require more. Also, you could get various discounts for even better storage plans.

  1. Mobile Integration

When on-premise LMS platforms were a major choice, one major disadvantage of courses created there is the incompatibility with mobile devices. However, this is a feature cloud-based LMS platforms have eliminated. With these platforms, you can now learn from mobile devices to tablets on any device. 

Also, many of these platforms make it easy for course creators to create courses streamlined for mobile viewing. Unlike those platforms where they might need to create different course versions for different devices, many platforms now allow you to create just one course, and the platform then optimizes it for any device.

  1. Enhanced Accessibility

A cloud-based platform keeps you accessible at all times, irrespective of your location. Trainees have the ability to access their content at any time, from any location, and at their leisure. A cloud-based approach is best for geographically diverse communities where each employee may access content from their location while benefiting from a centralized pool of data.

This accessibility worked to the advantage of course creators. Now, they can collaborate with others all over the globe without any difficulty. Also, students can leave questions for their trainers in real-time and get responses as rapidly as possible.

  1. Cost-Effective

In Fortune Business Insight’s report, a flexible pricing option was one of the factors that attracted companies and trainers to cloud-based LMS platforms. Unlike the one-off upfront payment needed with on-premise LMS platforms, the flexible pricing method made the use of cloud-based platforms cost-effective. With increasing students, you can always increase your subscription level.

Also, with on-premise platforms, you might require a tech expert to help you set up and fix any whims you might have with it. However, with cloud-based platforms where the manufacturer is in charge of all that, you can save yourself a lot of money. 


A cloud-based LMS platform might be the missing tool you need to take your course creation game to the next level. With many people learning from various parts of the world, a cloud-based LMS platform helps you fill that need and create value. 

Using a cloud-based LMS system would enhance your business orientation and save you money and time by making the process simple and efficient. Also, online learning platforms are built in such a way that they are responsive to all screen sizes and are also available as mobile applications. This way, your content can appeal to a larger audience.

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