Breaking the Funding Barrier: Founder of We Feature You PR, Zachary Bernard, Discusses Public Relations’ Untapped Potential for Startups

Breaking the Funding Barrier: Founder of We Feature You PR, Zachary Bernard, Discusses Public Relations’ Untapped Potential for Startups
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Let’s be honest—finding the right investor for your startup feels a bit like dating. You want to find that special someone who believes in you, sees your vision, and is willing to invest in your future. And according to Zachary Bernard, the Founder of We Feature You PR, you might be overlooking one of the best matchmakers around public relations, or PR for short.

“PR is this misunderstood tool in the startup toolbox,” says Zachary. “People think it’s all about crisis management or puff pieces. But really, it’s your wingman in the complex dance of attracting investors.”

Why Media Coverage Matters

“Media coverage is like street cred for startups,” Zachary explains. “When you’re in the news for the right reasons—whether it’s a killer new feature, an industry award, or some innovation—investors take notice.”

Think about it this way: Good media coverage tells a compelling story about you and your startup. It’s a third-party endorsement that you can bring to the investor table. “Your pitch deck might say you’re the next big thing, but a feature article in a reputable magazine shouts it from the rooftops,” Zachary says. “It gives your pitch both volume and validation.”

Slide It Into Your Pitch Deck

So, you’ve scored some great media coverage. What now? According to Zachary, your pitch deck is your next stop. “Look, a pitch deck is essentially a highlight reel of your startup’s journey. Why wouldn’t you include media hits? They’re the rave reviews of your show.”

He suggests incorporating a slide or two that showcases this media coverage. “Don’t just list them. Use quotes, headlines, and maybe even QR codes that link directly to the articles or interviews. Make it interactive. Let investors dive deeper if they want to.”

Tune Into Investor Vibes

Zachary advises that a smart PR strategy also involves some eavesdropping—of the legal kind, of course. “These days, it’s not hard to find out what topics or issues potential investors are interested in. A quick look at their Twitter feeds, LinkedIn posts, or interviews can reveal a lot.”

Once you know what makes your potential investors tick, you can tailor your pitch—and your PR efforts—to match their interests. “It’s like going to a dinner party and knowing the host loves Italian food. You wouldn’t bring sushi, would you?”

Beyond the Check: Building Lasting Bonds

At the end of the day, Zachary reminds us that while landing an investor is fantastic, keeping them engaged and invested in your startup is where the real magic happens. “PR isn’t just a flash in the pan. A good story has a long shelf life. Keep feeding the narrative, keep making headlines, and you won’t just catch an investor’s eye—you’ll hold their attention.”

In a startup world where everyone is vying for the same dollars, standing out from the crowd can be your make-or-break moment. And for Zachary, the secret sauce might just be good old-fashioned PR. “When you leverage PR effectively, you’re not just raising funds, you’re elevating your entire brand.

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