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Do you plan to hire new talent in the year to come? Staying on top of the latest trends in the sector is crucial in developing a hiring strategy. This is crucial, especially at the moment because the global economies are heading towards an uncertain future. 

As an employer, you know that the recruitment sector is constantly changing and evolving. Several external factors impact the global economy and companies’ ability to attract talent, putting more pressure on businesses and recruitment agencies to be on top of their game. 

An essential part of sourcing top talent is staying up to date with the trends that impact the industry and adapting the recruitment strategies accordingly. This article provides information about the trends expected to impact the sector in 2023 to help employers and recruiters understand how to use them to maximise their results. 

Employer branding

Employer branding will impact the recruitment process in 2023, and all companies should keep an eye on the trend. All candidates examine a company’s reputation before applying for an open position, and you want to make an excellent first impression. Therefore, put more effort into creating, preserving, and promoting your brand image. Use your website and social media platforms to share with your public details about your company and help them understand what values stand at its core. Talent, like clients, want to associate themselves with a reputable business. 

Remote work

You might say that remote work is old news, but it’s one of the recruiting trends that won’t fade in 2023. 98% of candidates want to work for a company that offers them the option to work remotely for at least a few days monthly. However, you might have second thoughts about allowing your employees to work from home because you want to keep them productive and supervise their work. Both companies and workers have much more to learn about remote work, making it a relevant trend to watch out for in 2023. Also, the reason why workforces shifted to remote work is still present because even if the vaccines were introduced, people still get sick. Business specialists encourage companies to keep their workers remote because it allows them to save costs. 

Change in work patterns

Gone are the days when people worked 8 to 5, especially these days when many work from home due to the pandemic. Also, many people work temporarily or contract-based and are hired as freelancers, making a big part of the workforce. There are some reasons why freelancing is popular among workforces, people want more flexibility and prefer to work on a contractual basis because they want to balance their personal and professional lives. When recruiting talent, make sure to offer the candidates the opportunity to choose when they prefer to work because flexibility is one of the benefits most people are looking for in a job. 

Social recruiting

The progress of technology provides companies with a new view of the world. If people used social media platforms only for amusement purposes a couple of years ago, now they’re looking for jobs and business opportunities. Social media might not be the most effective recruitment method, but it’s affordable and allows you to reach a broader group of candidates. Use social media platforms to showcase your brand’s identity and help your public learn more about it. Post content relevant to your industry to encourage people to interact with your pages. 

Data-driven recruitment

Another trend employers should keep a tab on is data-driven recruitment, mainly if they perform in a sector like the legal one that requires greater effort when recruiting talent. With increasing pressure to hire skilled individuals, time and cost-effectively, you can turn to data to help you make smart hiring decisions. It would also be helpful to hire recruitment professionals like those from Legal Recruitment Agency to help you prevent unconscious bias. 

Data-driven recruitment is essential when you want to rely on critical metrics because it allows you to control the process and prevent mistakes. Establish what metrics you want to track and gather and analyse data that will enable you to hire effectively. 

It’s crucial to capture data that provides information about how long it takes for candidates to complete your application form, how many clicks your job adverts register, and other similar aspects that enable you to improve the hiring process. 

Candidate experience

Over the last couple of years, candidates have held power in the job market, and if you look at the present situation, they’ll continue to do so. Candidate experience remains crucial in the recruitment process because it’s more valuable than education and other aptitudes. 

Diversity, equity, and inclusion

Your objective should be to hire individuals from all walks of life because inequalities, injustices, and discrimination have become a matter of society, but you should keep your company separate from it. Yes, it’s more complicated to reach marginalised communities when acquiring talent, but you can find skilled professionals in all groups of people, and you should do your best to engage diverse candidates. Inclusion, diversity, and equity are real concerns job seekers experience these days, and it’s crucial to promote your business as an environment that does not discriminate. 

Businesses with diverse workforces register improved financial performance than companies that acquire talent from a single walk of life. Why? People tend to perform better in workplaces that value diversity because they feel esteemed and included. 

External referrals

Referrals can help you find talented candidates and lower the costs associated with the hiring process. Statistics show that talents that have been referred stay longer and perform better. Motivating your employees to work to reach the company’s goals and bringing talented friends and acquaintances to grow the workforce is the best strategy in building corporate success. Your workers know your company well and can envision if someone they know would fit a particular position. Encourage them to refer to their acquaintances by providing bonuses for each recruited candidate.  

The recruiting environment experiences constant changes

If you want to grow your workforce, keep track of the latest trends because they give you a good idea of what strategies to employ. 


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