It’s Time to Take Into Account your Employees’ Needs – All of Them

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Employees are undoubtedly a company’s most valuable asset, so they must be treated accordingly.

Surprisingly or not, one of the vital factors for your business to come to fruition is taking care of your employees and doing everything in your power to provide them with the best health and safety conditions. Not only will this help you retain them, but it can also ensure more productivity in your company and hence more goals achieved. You might be knowledgeable about this entrepreneur who made $1.6 million in the stock market and then remunerated his employees with this money. This is a courageous move; nevertheless, it’s not always about money. Sometimes, it’s more about respecting them, allowing them to grow, and giving them meaningful feedback and recognition. It’s necessary to ensure your workers have a true sense of belonging and purpose within your company so they won’t feel obliged to quit their jobs at some point in the future.

One thing is for sure – being mindful of your employees’ needs have some significant perks for both of you, so we’ve found it helpful to discuss them in the following:

Essential employee needs companies can’t afford to neglect

Employees are just human beings, so it’s normal for them to have needs and expectations. And it’s crucial for businesses to meet these needs not only to protect their workers but also to ensure their success. So, here’re some of the critical employee needs we heartily advise you not to ignore:

  • Physical and mental well-being – Ensuring your labourers’ health should be your top priority, as healthy employees will likely be more productive and satisfied. So, try to provide the best health and safety conditions. This includes everything from giving them proper PPE (personal protective equipment), protecting them from noise exposure and hazardous substances to ensuring the right temperature in the workplace and clearing any walkway and corridor frequently. Slips and trips are common issues your employees may face in the working environment, so you should do your best to ensure they’re never in such an unpleasant situation. Furthermore, you’re likely to lose a valuable employee and pay lots of money in compensation. Specialists from say that it’s the employee’s right to claim compensation for an injury they think their employer is at fault for, so be cautious.
  • Fair salaries – It goes without saying that your workers need to be treated equally and given wages based on their very competencies and work progress, so a subjective basis has no place here.
  • Job security – Most people are looking for a stable job, so if your company faces a really hard time, your employees should be informed about them. Thus, they can decide whether to remain in your company or seek another job.
  • Recognition – No one will ever wish for their work to be undervalued, no matter how small or big the task they perform might be. After all, every employee has their place and contribution in a company, and if one isn’t there to perform a certain duty, your business success situation might not be the same. Hence, appreciate and recognise the effort of your labourers as much as possible.
  • Work-life balance – Professional life is undoubtedly essential to your direction and purpose, but so is the personal one. That “me time” can have amazing benefits for your employees, so consider offering them flexible work hours, allowing telecommuting or remote work, and providing generous paid time off. Not only contributes this to the mental well-being of your workers, but it also helps you retain them, according to Entrepreneur.
  • Belonging – Having a sense of belonging is crucial to your employee’s morale. In order to be productive, they first need to feel like they belong to a cohesive, supportive group. For example, when asked about their families and personal interests, workers feel valued, so consider communicating with your employees more often. And encourage harmony and collaboration between them, as well. Team Building exercises are a great idea, as you all have the opportunity to know each other better and – why not – form friendships.

Employees might also be in search of more freedom, career growth, leadership, and contribution.

Reasons taking care of your employees matters

Supporting and appreciating your employees as if they were your friends is of great significance, all the more so since this can bring several upsides for your business:

Higher retention rate

The retention rate might be more meaningful than you think, as it suggests your company’s stability. It’s normal to have employees that choose a route other than your organisation, but not so normal if too many prefer that. So, the number of labourers able to stay within a year at least in your company or since the very beginning represents the retention rate.

That’s why it’s a priority to ensure the necessary work conditions and reward your employees adequately. And don’t just assume that if someone leaves your company it is because they’re simply inclined to (Gen Z people especially have this reputation). No, people don’t simply quit; something must have made them do that.

Enhanced employee loyalty and productivity

If the labourers feel your organisation recognises and reciprocates their efforts, it goes without saying that they’ll stay loyal. Plus, they’ll likely give more of themselves to accomplish their task, so productivity is increased. Thus, ensure you treat your team well and don’t leave the impression that you can replace anyone anytime – because you really can’t.

Stronger customer relationship

You may wonder what this has to do with employees. Well, pretty much. If your workers often interact with customers, as in the HR department, their potential job dissatisfaction can be reflected in their relationship with customers. Therefore, make sure people are proud to represent your company. This can be achieved by simply putting their needs first and treating them well.

Ensuring your employees’ needs and expectations are met is not that hard as long as you understand the involved risk.

Minimising the Risk of Injury

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Injury is one of the most troublesome things that could happen to you. Whether you sustain an accident in the workplace or in a public area, at the gym or in your household, chances are you’ll have to take time to recover from the wounds. This means that you’ll have to postpone some activities you had planned and maybe even take time off work to ensure you’re not placing any undue strain on your body. 

While there’s no way to prevent injuries completely, it doesn’t mean that you cannot take proactive steps that ensure you’re less likely to become wounded. Here are some of the aspects you should have in mind. 

Rest well 

Sleep is one of the most critical factors for good health. When you consistently neglect it and become progressively more sleep deprived, you put yourself at increased risk for injury. Tiredness makes you more absent-minded, and therefore it becomes more likely that you’ll make a mistake and injure yourself. This can mean you’re less attentive and stumble and fall. If you work out regularly, neglecting rest means that you’re more likely to sustain injuries as a result of your training since the body doesn’t have sufficient time to rejuvenate between sessions. 

Be aware 

To reduce your probability of coming down with an injury, you must be aware of the possible dangers you’re exposed to. After all, you don’t know what to avoid if you’re not sure what the potential risks are. However, the risks are specific to the location you’re in. For example, in the public space, you should be mindful of the following: 

  • Tripping on the pavement: Falling and tripping on the pavement is one of the most common injuries that can occur in public. However, this doesn’t make it any less dangerous. The injuries can be quite severe, depending on the nature of your fall. They’re particularly troublesome if you’re dealing with a chronic disease such as diabetes that makes wound healing slower and more prone to complications. 
  • Road accidents: In some cases, injuries you sustain on the road can also fit into this category. For instance, you might become wounded after driving over a pothole. If public authorities were aware of this damage and neglected to fix it, it fits the criteria for a public space injury. 
  • Slipping: If your injury occurred in a park or playground, you could be eligible to file a personal injury claim in the UK. The amount you can receive depends, much like in the case of any personal injury claim, but it is typically dependent on the extent of your injuries, as well as whether or not you came to deal with chronic health damage as a result of your wounds. Subsequent financial difficulties are included as well. 
  • Housing accidents: If your household is part of public housing built by local authorities, injuries you sustain as a result of poor maintenance that the authorities were aware of, the accident can fall under the umbrella of injuries public authorities can be held responsible for. 

Improve balance 

Many injuries happen as a result of poor balance. Improving this aspect is generally a long process and takes a considerable degree of patience, but it’s essential for your overall health. The best part of it is that you can train anywhere, at any time, and the only thing you need is your own body and strength. One of the most effective exercises you can try is tightrope walking. Luckily, this doesn’t mean you must develop a flair for acrobatics, as you can simulate it. Single-leg standing or walking with alternating knee lifts are the other exercises you can try out. 

Depending on how advanced you are, or if you’ve already breezed your way through the more accessible versions, you can try something a little more advanced. For instance, you can try maintaining your balance by letting go of any support you are using or keeping your position with your eyes closed. When you are able to perform these exercises well, you also get in a little bit of strength training. 

Increase flexibility 

It might not appear like the most obvious solution, but becoming limber can actually mean that you’re at diminished risk for injury. Stretching regularly can help improve this ability. It isn’t only beneficial in the long term and can also alleviate combat daily soreness or body aches. These exercises can be incorporated into your daily routine, and you can perform them whenever you feel the need. Even a few minutes of stretching can go a long way to alleviate any tightness you feel in your muscles. 

Dynamic exercises that keep your body moving, followed by static stretching to help minimise the risk of next-day soreness, are fundamental for health and balance. They help make your body stronger and reduce the risk of you ending up with a bothersome injury after an accident. And if you do happen to become injured, research suggests that being more physically active helps speed up the wound healing process by nearly 30%. 

Limit manual handling 

Lifting heavy boxes or handling hefty machinery can put significant strain on your back, as well as your knee joints and shoulders. If your job involves the need to lift heavy items regularly, you should take the necessary steps to ensure a system is implemented that can do more of the heavy lifting for you. You should have adequate tools at your disposal, as well as the necessary training to operate them safely. 

Injuries tend to happen unexpectedly. They’re bothersome occurrences since they take you out of your routine. You must adjust your life and behaviour around them until you get better. If you have anything planned, you’ll probably have to postpone it until your condition improves. However, if you follow a few guidelines, you are likely to help prevent injuries and significantly reduce your risk. 

If you happen to become injured, you must remember that experts are willing to help you navigate this difficult time so that you can return to your everyday life as soon as possible. 

Recruitment Trends Employers Should Use in 2023

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Do you plan to hire new talent in the year to come? Staying on top of the latest trends in the sector is crucial in developing a hiring strategy. This is crucial, especially at the moment because the global economies are heading towards an uncertain future. 

As an employer, you know that the recruitment sector is constantly changing and evolving. Several external factors impact the global economy and companies’ ability to attract talent, putting more pressure on businesses and recruitment agencies to be on top of their game. 

An essential part of sourcing top talent is staying up to date with the trends that impact the industry and adapting the recruitment strategies accordingly. This article provides information about the trends expected to impact the sector in 2023 to help employers and recruiters understand how to use them to maximise their results. 

Employer branding

Employer branding will impact the recruitment process in 2023, and all companies should keep an eye on the trend. All candidates examine a company’s reputation before applying for an open position, and you want to make an excellent first impression. Therefore, put more effort into creating, preserving, and promoting your brand image. Use your website and social media platforms to share with your public details about your company and help them understand what values stand at its core. Talent, like clients, want to associate themselves with a reputable business. 

Remote work

You might say that remote work is old news, but it’s one of the recruiting trends that won’t fade in 2023. 98% of candidates want to work for a company that offers them the option to work remotely for at least a few days monthly. However, you might have second thoughts about allowing your employees to work from home because you want to keep them productive and supervise their work. Both companies and workers have much more to learn about remote work, making it a relevant trend to watch out for in 2023. Also, the reason why workforces shifted to remote work is still present because even if the vaccines were introduced, people still get sick. Business specialists encourage companies to keep their workers remote because it allows them to save costs. 

Change in work patterns

Gone are the days when people worked 8 to 5, especially these days when many work from home due to the pandemic. Also, many people work temporarily or contract-based and are hired as freelancers, making a big part of the workforce. There are some reasons why freelancing is popular among workforces, people want more flexibility and prefer to work on a contractual basis because they want to balance their personal and professional lives. When recruiting talent, make sure to offer the candidates the opportunity to choose when they prefer to work because flexibility is one of the benefits most people are looking for in a job. 

Social recruiting

The progress of technology provides companies with a new view of the world. If people used social media platforms only for amusement purposes a couple of years ago, now they’re looking for jobs and business opportunities. Social media might not be the most effective recruitment method, but it’s affordable and allows you to reach a broader group of candidates. Use social media platforms to showcase your brand’s identity and help your public learn more about it. Post content relevant to your industry to encourage people to interact with your pages. 

Data-driven recruitment

Another trend employers should keep a tab on is data-driven recruitment, mainly if they perform in a sector like the legal one that requires greater effort when recruiting talent. With increasing pressure to hire skilled individuals, time and cost-effectively, you can turn to data to help you make smart hiring decisions. It would also be helpful to hire recruitment professionals like those from Legal Recruitment Agency to help you prevent unconscious bias. 

Data-driven recruitment is essential when you want to rely on critical metrics because it allows you to control the process and prevent mistakes. Establish what metrics you want to track and gather and analyse data that will enable you to hire effectively. 

It’s crucial to capture data that provides information about how long it takes for candidates to complete your application form, how many clicks your job adverts register, and other similar aspects that enable you to improve the hiring process. 

Candidate experience

Over the last couple of years, candidates have held power in the job market, and if you look at the present situation, they’ll continue to do so. Candidate experience remains crucial in the recruitment process because it’s more valuable than education and other aptitudes. 

Diversity, equity, and inclusion

Your objective should be to hire individuals from all walks of life because inequalities, injustices, and discrimination have become a matter of society, but you should keep your company separate from it. Yes, it’s more complicated to reach marginalised communities when acquiring talent, but you can find skilled professionals in all groups of people, and you should do your best to engage diverse candidates. Inclusion, diversity, and equity are real concerns job seekers experience these days, and it’s crucial to promote your business as an environment that does not discriminate. 

Businesses with diverse workforces register improved financial performance than companies that acquire talent from a single walk of life. Why? People tend to perform better in workplaces that value diversity because they feel esteemed and included. 

External referrals

Referrals can help you find talented candidates and lower the costs associated with the hiring process. Statistics show that talents that have been referred stay longer and perform better. Motivating your employees to work to reach the company’s goals and bringing talented friends and acquaintances to grow the workforce is the best strategy in building corporate success. Your workers know your company well and can envision if someone they know would fit a particular position. Encourage them to refer to their acquaintances by providing bonuses for each recruited candidate.  

The recruiting environment experiences constant changes

If you want to grow your workforce, keep track of the latest trends because they give you a good idea of what strategies to employ. 


What Do Profitable Businesses Have in Common?

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No one can deny that entrepreneurship is a challenging career path that not everyone can take. It requires strong communication skills, a willingness to accept failure, and a lot of self-discipline. But at the same time, it comes with many great rewards: flexibility, satisfaction, freedom, etc. Not all businesses are successful, but those that thrive have some qualities at their foundation. Mindset is vital in determining whether your venture will flourish, and the best entrepreneurs are those with a firm conviction regarding what they want to pursue in life. They embrace challenges and don’t give up when the road gets bumpy. That said, here are the things that most profitable businesses have in common.

Unique value

Businesses stay on top of their competitors when they offer customers unique services or products. Successful entrepreneurs have a secret ingredient that can’t be found elsewhere, which helps them stand out and keep their company running smoothly for a long time. In other words, their business has an unparalleled feature, such as outstanding customer service, customised services, etc. Whatever that characteristic is, it should be something that defines your venture. When creating a unique value, looking at your potential customers can help, as you will identify their needs and, thus, come up with something they will appreciate.

Customer-focused approach

Profitable businesses know that customers are the ones to determine their success, so they never lose sight of them. This is true especially these days when customer expectations have risen significantly. They compare the experience with your business with those they have with top companies and never return if disappointed. Thus, customers should always be your main focus during all stages of your marketing strategy. Adopt a customer-centric approach when building your procedures, and you’ll see how this will contribute to brand recognition and client satisfaction. Clients who are satisfied with what you offer will keep supporting your business, giving you a competitive advantage.

Positive organisational culture

The organisational culture is a critical element that sets a business apart from the rest. This includes its background, ethics, values, norms, and history. Employees who feel safe and happy at work tend to be more productive, thus bringing a positive outcome to your business. On the contrary, poor company culture hurts your company’s bottom line. That’s because it promotes unethical behaviour, leading to a lack of trust from employees, damaged reputation and even legal issues like claims. With resources like  being just one click away, employees can learn about their rights in case of an injury sustained at work and take legal action against companies. To avoid these things, you should look at your current practices to determine what the workplace culture looks like. Chances are, you can take steps to improve it and make it more appealing to employees and customers alike. Businesses with a positive organisational culture put employees’ wellness at the forefront and take steps to reduce hazards as much as possible. 


Your business can’t succeed unless you’re willing to adapt if things don’t work as planned at some point. Flexibility can go a long way in your venture’s success; without it, you may quickly fall behind. That’s because the business landscape is constantly evolving, and what worked a year ago may not bring any results in the present. You have to review your methods and practices regularly and change them accordingly, as that is the only way your business can thrive. As a leader, you should always look for innovative ways to address your company’s needs for every challenge.


Diversity matters significantly in today’s society when businesses and consumers care about being socially responsible and inclusive. Companies that embrace it are one step ahead of their competitors and benefit from improved performance, profitability, and increased employee engagement. Workplace diversity leads to innovation, as individuals with different backgrounds work together to devise solutions to specific problems. It’s a catalyst for an organization’s growth, allowing team members to generate original ideas based on their diverse experiences.

Strong vision

Without a clear vision, you can’t expect consistent results for your business. Defining your company’s mission should be the first thing you do when implementing your business because it will be your guiding light. Think about why you chose entrepreneurship as a career path out of everything. What is the objective you’re striving for every day? Once you know your mission, you should also share it with employees and business partners to ensure all the processes are developed to match that vision.

Technologically advanced

Successful businesses also leverage technology – they have adequate systems and use the best software to improve customers’ experience. These technologies are a worthy investment because they help you reach your goals with minimal effort. In a modern business world, technology is indispensable for companies – the only way to operate optimally is to implement the latest tech, such as artificial intelligence and robotics.

Good marketing strategies

Your marketing efforts can make or break your business. You need to use the right strategies in order to succeed – for example, if you don’t employ several marketing channels, all your hard work could go to waste, and that’s because you won’t become visible. People will know about your business only if you put yourself out there through different means, like newsletters, advertising, or social media. Review your current strategies, and change them if they don’t work. Learn from other businesses and ask for expert help if necessary. After all, you want your business to prosper, which means taking advantage of all the available resources.

The bottom line

Not all businesses succeed, and there are many reasons why that happens. Perhaps they focus more on their personal goals instead of their customers or fail to embrace change. Or maybe they aren’t inclusive, or don’t know how to make their brand known. Whatever the reason, not achieving your goals can be truly disappointing. But it doesn’t have to be that way for you. Consider the characteristics mentioned above and build your business around them – doing this will help you reap the benefits of all your hard work.

What to Prioritise for Becoming a Successful Entrepreneur?

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Being an entrepreneur these days comes with many challenges. You need to be focused on many aspects of your business, but also learn how to keep your work life balanced so that you don’t burn out fast. And as you create your own processes and methods, you also need to develop innovative ideas and practices to keep up with this fast-paced world. 

So, to become successful, you need to be organised as well as take risks, when necessary, in order to improve your business. Let’s see how you should design your business approach so that you simultaneously cultivate a company culture of steadiness and innovation. 

Time management

Time is money has become more than an old saying. It is not a way to suggest that you need to sacrifice your time or others to make money but to prioritise it. That means you need to learn what tasks are essential and what could be delayed or even eliminated from your to-do list. This should be the opposite of multitasking, as it does not save time nor help you concentrate better. 

Time management is about working smart and getting more things done in less time. Learning this will help you:

  • Take better decisions. Good time management allows you to adopt a wiser judgement since you’re not pressed by time;
  • Expand your business. While you’ll be able to handle tasks more efficiently, you’ll have the time to explore new opportunities for your company;
  • Increase work quality. Planning and managing your tasks and goals will give you enough space to focus better, which will increase the quality of your output;

Data-privacy compliance 

All types of businesses are prone to experiencing a data breach at some point, especially SMEs. That’s because data safety and privacy have been overlooked and not considered a priority. However, you need to understand the importance of building a solid data security culture to make your company successful. 

That’s because data breaches harm your business by damaging your reputation and brand. At the same time, customers will no longer trust you for providing excellent services and products since you couldn’t protect their data and the company from being the target of a data breach. Given that clients are able to claim compensation in the UK, you’ll also need to figure a way out from lawsuits. 

As a successful business, you must keep up with the latest data privacy compliance and ensure you know all the practices for securing your customer’s data. Although you can’t avoid a data breach 100%, you can still minimise its consequences.


Building a company’s culture is no joke because you need to be an example for your employees. If you want your employees to adopt certain practices, you should be the first one they look up to. So, your business must align with your beliefs so that you’ll run the industry driven by your own set of values. 

Company culture is all about being friendly, motivating and collaborative. However, you’re the one to set critical elements closest to your values and ethics. Whether you want to nurture communication and transparency, diversity or a growth mindset, it’s important to make a 

long-term goal and not just something you can check on your task list. 

You can take as an example some of the most known companies that succeed in building strong and healthy company cultures, such as Netflix, Adobe and Google. These businesses aimed to create work environments that encouraged candid communication, risk-taking without penalty for failure as well as employee autonomy. 


Prioritising business improvement processes is crucial for growth and expansion. Nurturing improvement takes time and practice because it’s not something fixed that you can simply add when starting a new project. Improvement is flexible, therefore, not easy to assess.

However, you can encourage your employees to come up with improvement ideas whether they consider them. This openness allows them not to be pressured by time or company practices but to have the initiative for change. If you start with this mindset, you’ll be able to measure these small actions to improve revenue, efficiency and brand image. You could also adopt a strategy with four basic steps for improving your business:

  • Modernisation;
  • Optimisation;
  • Standardisation;
  • Automatisation;

If you’re able to pursue this strategy each time you need an improvement in your company, you may be able to help your team learn what are the steps for changing something, be it a product, a process or a technique. 

Cash flow 

Finally, it’s time to talk about cash flow. Although it’s highly important for the company’s growth, cash flow wouldn’t happen if none of the factors above wouldn’t exist. We can say that cash flow can be your last priority since it’s only a read of how much money you have. 

However, managing it takes a lot of work and effort. Being in control of your cash flow allows you to be up to financial regulations and avoid other complications due to late payments. It’s essential to:

  • Bill up front to prevent delayed payments; 
  • Handle your invoices with care by sending them far in advance;
  • Be accountable in case of not having a clear budget and proper accountability; 
  • Practise smart inventory management for implementing a simple economic model;

Maintaining your cash flow allows you to meet your financial obligations, but that’s not all. Keeping everything in place will help you make more manageable and critical financial decisions in the future so that it’ll be easier for your company to expand. 

However, keeping your cash flow balanced can ensure your business is going well, so you won’t have to cut corners or take shortcuts to meet your final goal. Prioritising this will make you successful and a model for many other small entrepreneurs. 

Final thoughts 

These days, everything is acquired rapidly, but with a lot of work. Given that trends change and businesses need to adapt, you, as an entrepreneur, might find it even more challenging to break the market and remain stable. However, if you know what’s a priority and not, you’ll be able to become prosperous. 

What Qualifies as Workplace Bullying, And How Can You Prevent It? 

Bullying in the workplace creates an environment that makes employees feel uncomfortable, scared, and intimidated. It negatively impacts employees’ health and well-being, yet bullying can also reduce their productivity and performance. Bullying can happen to anyone at any age and takes the form of spiteful comments, verbal criticism, or exclusion. Regrettably, bullying remains one of the most neglected issues in the realm of employment relations. The harassed employee is perceived as being weak, that is, unable to solve their own problems. Bullying is accepted and encouraged by the culture of the organization. 

There are costs to employers that fail to address bullying, such as loss of productivity, healthcare costs, absenteeism, and reputation damage. Some acts of workplace bullying can be grounds for a lawsuit. In other words, the person can take action under the law. The employer is responsible for discrimination even if the employee hasn’t received a written contract. There’s a duty of care to ensure all employees work in an environment that doesn’t affect their health and safety. If an employer blatantly ignores bullying in the workplace, in serious cases, it can result in a personal injury claim. 

Common Examples of Workplace Bullying 

In a healthy workplace environment, employees come together in a community and find opportunities for collaboration. At times, a company’s environment doesn’t support respectful actions. Persistent mistreatment from others that causes physical or emotional harm is workplace bullying. The conduct is meant to threaten, intimidate, or humiliate the employee and can interfere with their ability to work. Bullying tends to thrive in stressful conditions or rigid hierarchical structures and doesn’t concern everyday disagreements. Even if bullying is a form of aggression, these actions aren’t always obvious. Here are some examples of workplace bullying: 

  • Spreading rumors about a coworker
  • Dismissing someone’s efforts in front of management
  • Intimidatory or derogatory comments
  • Sharing sensitive photos
  • Giving unfair/unattainable tasks/deadlines

In many countries around the world, there are specific prohibitions against bullying in the workplace, requiring employers to take the necessary steps to prevent such conduct from occurring. In the UK, for instance, harassment is against the law, and employees can take legal action at an employment tribunal. If you want to find out more, please visit Unfortunately, most targets of bullying lack the knowledge to respond effectively. Either they don’t grasp the cause of their problems, or they fail to realize it’s possible to fight back.

Actions Your Business Needs to Take Right Now to Stop Bullying 

For some employees, remote work has provided relief from bullying. Nevertheless, there’s evidence to suggest that, as companies have switched to remote work, workplace bullying has thrived. It doesn’t matter if it happens in the office or online; bullying should be addressed right away. Managers at all levels greatly influence attitudes towards bullying, so it’s up to leadership to model good behavior. Here are some effective strategies to reduce workplace bullying. 

Have An Anti-Bullying Policy in Place

Bullying shouldn’t be part of the job, so create an anti-bullying policy highlighting your stance and commitment to preventing it. A policy on its own isn’t enough to curb workplace bullying; employees must be aware of its existence and have the confidence to use it. Consider establishing an open-door policy where employees are encouraged to speak their minds without judgment or penalty. This will foster an environment of respect, and people in the organization will understand their rights and responsibilities. Training done through the policy strengthens organizational culture. 

Build Awareness Around the Impact of Bullying 

Prevention starts with building awareness. Coworkers might intervene to stop bullying by showing support to the victim or disagreeing with the perpetrator. Lack of intervention can leave the victim feeling their colleagues endorse bullying. More often than not, people don’t realize what’s happening and unknowingly support bullying, so hold mandatory training sessions on the different types of harassment. Take things one step further by adding your anti-bullying policy to your employee handbook and having everyone sign the acknowledgement. 

Train Managers to Identify Signs of Bullying 

Management must get harassment training to eliminate and prevent incidences. They should be able to identify the signs of bullying in the workplace, such as deceit, intimidation, isolation/exclusion, undermining work, etc. If bullying exists, it can be detrimental not only to the person in question, but also to the organization, with implications for productivity, collaboration, and turnover rate. There’s a strong correlation between bullying and the personality of the bully. Common characteristics of a bully include impulsiveness, anger management issues, lacking empathy, and prone to frustration.  Managers can’t spot bullies during the recruitment process, unfortunately. 

Create A Reporting System for Employees 

Since most incidents involve coworkers as the main perpetrators, it’s crucial to create safe channels for employees to raise their concerns. Individuals who have experienced bullying should be able to report the incident and file a complaint. If the process doesn’t work well, it will make the overall situation in the workplace worse. Most importantly, victims should be able to report incidents without fear of retaliation; they shouldn’t be punished for taking action. If individuals have reason to believe that a complaint will cause further harassment, they won’t follow normal grievances procedures. 

Closing Thoughts 

It’s one thing to be occasionally mistreated at work, and it’s a completely different thing to have it happen constantly. Those being harassed at work feel depressed, have symptoms of anxiety, difficulty sleeping, and even suicidal thoughts. Simply put, it can make the job unbearable. The working environment should be a supportive one, where every person can meet their goals without undue pressure and attention. You can play an important role in developing a positive team culture, so be alert, identify bullying early on, and take corrective action. 

Managers aren’t the only ones who can put an end to bullying. Employees need to do the heavy lifting when it comes to identifying and reporting incidents of bullying. Left unchallenged, bullies may trigger violence or escalate their bad behavior – or the victim may respond with aggression. Employees should emulate good behavior.

The Benefits of Building and Maintaining a Professional Network

Did you know that prospective business students prefer universities that have a strong alumni network? This is because students have more opportunities to start building relationships with other students and faculty that have higher chances of continuing after they graduate. These relationships can be very important when it comes to starting a new business or changing careers later in life. 

Students who foster relationships with fellow alumni have a higher chance of succeeding once they graduate. When it comes to starting a new business, investors are more likely to invest in startups that are started from a founder who went to their alma mater. What’s more, founders who went to school with large alumni networks are able to raise more capital on average than other entrepreneurs due to the higher success they have with networking events. This is why it is imperative for students to begin forming relationships with current and future alumni as soon as they can, and continue those relationships even after they leave college.

While university is one of the most common places for alumni to come together, large businesses also have very valuable alumni pools. Businesses that instill strong alumni programs are able to see a 2.8 times increase in revenue per employee and 4.5 times increase in product innovation. Employees can benefit from these programs by connecting with mentors or even with assistance when they are ready for a career change. By utilizing relationships formed with other alumni, employees can bolster their resume with trustworthy references which can result in upward mobility and increased professional opportunity.

Participating in alumni networking events can be a great way to meet new alumni and learn about potential career opportunities. These events often include free resources such as career information seminars, resume reviews, and more helpful career based information. Attending these events along with having a large networking pool can help you get an edge with other potential candidates for your next career. 

After meeting alumni and adding them to your professional networks, it is important to keep up with them. Influence networks with alumni both academic and professional can be invaluable, so it is important to treat them as such. It is important to remain professional, so make sure to reach out via email or LinkedIn with an explanation of who you are and why you want to meet. Inviting an alum out to lunch or for coffee can be a great way to remain friendly while learning about new potential career paths or how to develop professional skills. If a good relationship is formed with an alumni and maintained over time, they will be more willing to provide assistance in the future. 

Alumni networks in higher education and business alike can be very useful tools for building your social sphere and discovering new opportunities. You can learn more tips on how to be engaged in these networks as well as the many benefits by reading the infographic below: