Trina Ramsey: Celebrating 15 Years of Empowering Leadership

Trina Ramsey Celebrating 15 Years of Empowering Leadership
Photo Courtesy: National Press Club / Pam Perry PR

By: Pam Perry

In July 2024, Trina Ramsey, Founder and CEO of the Just Do You Institute for Women’s Empowerment, marks a significant milestone—15 years as a transformational executive coach. This anniversary is not just a celebration of years passed but a reflection on a journey fueled by resilience, empowerment, and an unwavering commitment to helping others lead fulfilling lives.

The Genesis of a Visionary Leader

Trina’s path to becoming a beacon of support for women, nonprofit leaders, and solopreneurs started from humble beginnings. Raised in challenging circumstances and having faced profound personal losses, including the time her mother took her own life when Trina was at the tender age of 14, Trina’s life has been a testament to the power of overcoming adversity. These experiences instilled a deep empathy within her and a resolve to make a positive impact. After a successful 30-year career in nonprofit fundraising, Trina embarked on a new journey in 2009 that aligned more closely with her true calling—coaching.

The Birth of Just Do You Institute for Women’s Empowerment

Driven by a desire to support individuals who are often taught to put themselves last, Trina founded the Just Do You Institute for Women’s Empowerment. Her mission was clear: to empower women to prioritize their well-being and support others from a place of strength rather than sacrifice. Trina’s approach goes beyond conventional coaching; it’s about creating a space for profound personal reflection and actionable change.

A Decade and a Half of Impact

Over the last 15 years, Trina’s influence has grown significantly. Through her institute, she has touched the lives of countless individuals, guiding them through personal and professional transformations. Her services, which include one-on-one coaching, keynote speaking, and leadership training, are underpinned by her rich experience in nonprofit leadership and fundraising.

Notable highlights of her career include hosting the “Career Talk with Coach Trina” radio show, which amassed over 20,000 listens, and her best-selling book Just Do You, which eclipsed Oprah on the Amazon bestseller list for a momentous instant. Trina’s story has been featured in prestigious publications like Essence Magazine, and she was named a Rising Star by Speakers Magazine in 2023.

Overcoming Challenges with Grace

Trina’s journey hasn’t been without its challenges. Transitioning to full-time entrepreneurship after three decades in the nonprofit sector required not just courage but a profound shift in mindset. Additionally, navigating the nonprofit world as a Black woman often placed her at the intersection of microaggressions and overt discrimination. Yet, these experiences only sharpened her resolve and fueled her commitment to her craft.

The Power of Empathy in Coaching

What sets Trina apart is her unparalleled ability to connect with her clients on a deeply personal level. Her own struggles and triumphs allow her to empathize with those she coaches, making her guidance all the more poignant and impactful. This empathy is woven through her practice, helping clients navigate their unique paths to self-discovery and empowerment.

Celebrating Milestones and Looking Ahead

As Trina celebrates this 15-year milestone, she reflects on the journey and the lives changed. “This anniversary is more than a measure of time; it’s a testament to the lives we’ve touched and the personal victories of those we’ve supported,” Trina shares. Looking ahead, she remains committed to expanding her reach, with plans to enhance her nonprofit consulting services and continue her impactful retreats and workshops.

The future also holds the exciting launch of Trina’s family memoir, a project close to her heart that promises to offer another layer of connection with her audience. With plans for more international speaking engagements and innovative online courses, Trina is poised to extend her impact further, empowering women worldwide to embrace their full potential.

A Call to Action

As Trina Ramsey continues to redefine empowerment and leadership through her work, she invites others to join her on this journey of transformation. Whether you are a woman over 40 looking for a career change, a nonprofit leader in need of guidance, or someone seeking to reclaim their self-worth, Trina’s coaching offers the tools and support necessary for profound personal and professional growth.

Visit Just Do You Institute for Women’s Empowerment to learn more about how Trina’s coaching can facilitate your own journey of self-discovery and empowerment. Here’s to many more years of inspiring change and fostering resilience in the hearts of many. Let’s celebrate the courage to ‘just do you.’

Published by: Martin De Juan

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