March 14, 2025

Triumph Through Tragedy: Taylor “TJ” Nelson’s Story of Perseverance and Success

Taylor “TJ” Nelson
Sourced photo

Taylor “TJ” Nelson’s life story is one of resilience, determination, and unwavering faith. Born and raised in Salt Lake City, TJ has lived all over the world, chasing his dreams and carving his path toward success. Today, he is the owner and CEO of Direct Solar, a multimillion-dollar business, and an Amazon best-selling author of Walk the Lyme, a book about his journey of overcoming Lyme disease while building his business.

TJ’s path to success was anything but smooth sailing. Along the way, he encountered countless obstacles, including the devastating loss of his brother and two closest confidants, as well as a grueling struggle with Lyme disease that set him back a staggering $160,000 in medical bills last year alone. Yet, despite these daunting setbacks, TJ persevered with unyielding resolve and never gave up.

From a young age, his natural talent for sales shone brightly. In his first month peddling automobiles, he matched the sales record of the top-performing representative, setting the stage for his subsequent triumphs. He sold it all and ventured to Asia in pursuit of online entrepreneurship, only to become the unrivaled door-to-door seller for SolarCity, the preeminent provider of residential solar systems at that time.

Amidst the challenging journey of establishing Direct Solar, TJ delved into the depths of his mind and soul to manage the excruciating physical pain and mental distress inflicted by Lyme disease. He cared for his holistic well-being with a repertoire of mental strategies, Somatic Experiencing, intravenous therapies, collaborative brainstorming sessions, and meditative practices. Despite the impossible odds, TJ catapulted his enterprise into a multimillion-dollar empire while relentlessly combatting the crippling illness.

TJ’s story is one of inspiration and hope. He wants to empower others struggling in life, especially those in sales or dealing with health problems or mental illness, to rise above their challenges and realize their potential. He encourages people to keep going, never give up, and believe they can achieve their dreams.

TJ has big plans for his future. He sees himself as a source of inspiration for those facing adversity and wants to motivate them to push through their struggles. In addition to making a positive impact on others, he dreams of starting a family and leaving a lasting legacy. His solar enterprise will be highly valuable, powered by efficient systems and exceptional leadership. Through his book and speaking engagements, he hopes to reach a wider audience and touch as many lives as possible.

TJ’s tale embodies the triumph of persistence, dedication, and optimism. His path from hardship to achievement serves as a beacon of motivation for anyone confronted with adversity. Furthermore, his insights and background provide insightful teachings for others to glean from, and his narrative offers a glimmer of hope to those enduring difficulties.


To learn more about Taylor “TJ” Nelson, follow him on Facebook and Instagram.

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