The Empathy Firm’s $5/Day Paid Ads Amplification: Retargeting for Maximum Impact

The Empathy Firm's $5Day Paid Ads Amplification

By: Chris Jordan

How can a mere $5 a day transform your business into a powerhouse of lead generation?

The Empathy Firm, led by the dynamic brother duo Grant Lira and Gavin Lira, reveals a game-changing strategy that’s set to redefine how companies leverage online media features. In an era where attention spans are fleeting, keeping potential clients engaged is paramount. The Empathy Firm’s approach centers on an affordable, yet highly effective method: $5/day paid ads amplification through retargeting.

The Power of Retargeting

Imagine this: anyone who visits your website or social media profiles is likely interested in what you offer. However, turning that interest into action requires persistence. According to Hubspot, a B2B consumer needs an average of 8 touchpoints with a company before making a decision. This is where retargeting ads come into play. By utilizing Facebook and Instagram’s simple retargeting metrics, businesses can expedite these touchpoints and maintain top-of-mind awareness, all for just $1 or $2 a day.

Step-by-Step Implementation

1. Installing the Facebook Pixel

The first crucial step in this strategy is installing a Facebook pixel on your website. This small snippet of code allows you to track visitors and target them with ads later. Not sure how to do it? The Empathy Firm recommends checking out a tutorial video to guide you through the process.

2. Creating Retargeting Ads

Once the pixel is installed, it’s time to create your retargeting ads. This involves targeting people who visit your website and your Facebook and Instagram profiles. A comprehensive video by The Empathy Firm offers insights on creating these ads and other general retargeting tactics.

3. Choosing the Right Ad Type

When setting up your ad, select “lead generation ad.” This option either brings up a lead form or messages the prospective client directly. The Empathy Firm advises using the lead form for optimal results.

Crafting Compelling Creatives and Copy

The Creative

Your ad’s visual component should feature content that has already performed well on your profiles. This could include clips from notable podcasts, mentions in major publications like Forbes or Entrepreneur, or any other authoritative content that boosts your credibility.

The Copy

Keep the written part of your ad straightforward and engaging. A simple, yet effective call to action could be:

Headline: “Thinking about working with us?”

Main Text: “If you are thinking about working with us and just need some more clarification, click the ‘Learn More’ button below. One of our team members will reach out to help answer any questions you might have.”

The Bottom Line

This strategy, as recommended by The Empathy Firm, stands out not just for its simplicity but also for its cost-effectiveness. For just $1-$2 a day, businesses can retarget a specific group of people who are already familiar with their brand, significantly increasing the likelihood of closing deals.


In a world where digital marketing strategies are often convoluted and expensive, The Empathy Firm’s approach is a breath of fresh air. By focusing on retargeting through Facebook and Instagram ads, businesses can maintain engagement with potential clients, ensuring they stay top-of-mind. Grant Lira and Gavin Lira’s insights provide a roadmap for leveraging online media features effectively without breaking the bank. So, if you’re looking to amplify your online presence and boost lead generation, this $5/day strategy might just be the game-changer you need.

For more detailed guidance, The Empathy Firm encourages businesses to explore their tutorial videos and see firsthand how this strategy can be implemented seamlessly.

Published by: Holy Minoza

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