What Are The Principles Of Cyber Security?

Cybercrime is the new plague of the modern world. It is an ever-present threat that everyone needs to be ‘en garde’ for, all day, every day. This is why most companies around the world try to implement the most up-to-date security measures. However, no matter how secure you think your organization is from cyber threats, it only takes that one hacker to upend your entire security system.

For this reason, most organizations tend to look out for certain principles of cybersecurity that would enable them to build a robust security framework. Following these principles is almost like finding a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. It would make way for a strong base and a hack-free foundation that keeps the organizations and workers safe and secure.

Here are seven basic cyber security principles that every security system needs to adhere to.

The Principle Of Confidentiality


All security systems need to work on the principle of confidentiality. This means that only some users in the organization should have the keys to the security network, and these authorized users can then let others into the network if necessary.

In general, all employees must be allowed to use resources based on “least privilege.” What exactly does this mean? This can be best explained through the following example. Imagine that an employee is required to do X task today. The principle of confidentiality and least privilege dictates that he/she should be granted just enough access to complete the task without compromising the confidentiality of the system more than what is required for the task

The Principle Of Data Encryption

This is one of the most fundamental principles out there that every security system has to follow. There is no denying that the most important aspect of an organization is its data and information, and data encryption is the key to protecting all of it.

As a basic rule, you need to have your data encrypted over two levels: EAR (Encryption at Rest) and EIT (Encryption in Transit). If your security system has encrypted your data over both these levels, then you’re good to go.

The Principle Of Advanced Access Security

The truth is that the hackers and phishers have developed highly sophisticated ways of hacking into the system. This means that a simple username and password is not going to cut it. Instead, coming up with advanced access management systems such as multi-factor authentication will provide extra layers of security to your organization.

However, merely putting up two independent methods of authentication is not enough to secure access. Instead, it is necessary to analyze your security system for threats and alert the tech team accordingly. The key here is to get a panoramic view of all those who are using your system while providing you higher control at the same time.

The Principle Of Cybercrime Simulation

What is the best way for you to catch holes in your security system? Why, to assume the role of a hacker, of course! The principle of cybercrime simulation states that you simply simulate all kinds of cybercrime that you are generally anticipating and then identify cracks and potential cyber-crime entries into the system.

Here, it is important not just to simulate an external attack on the system but also to focus on internal attacks. The ultimate goal is to secure your system so tightly that you are secure even if you hand over the keys of your internal network to a hacker.

The Principle Of No Hindrance

This principle focuses on allowing your organization’s employees to work with the security measures put in place without hindering the workflow. In other words, the security system should perform its job without causing interference to authorized users in either accessing information or using tools and software.

Developing a no-hindrance system also means that you need to put secondary channels of access in place. This would be used by users who are unable to access primary channels for different reasons. All of this must be done by keeping the security framework robust enough to keep external entities out of the system.

The Principle Of Disaster Recovery

The security system should be responsive enough to ensure business continuity. In other words, the threat of cybercrime should not put your company back in terms of time, personnel, and resources.

Therefore, your security system should be strong enough to detect and report security breaches in a timely and efficient manner. This means that there should be a robust disaster recovery plan in the system that focuses on elimination and recovery without compromising productivity.

The Principle Of Compliance

Your security system needs to be compliant with security policies such as ISO27001, ISO9001, and so on. However, security compliance does not stop with merely external compliance. It is vital to build your own compliance framework with the help of your Security Officer.

This compliance framework would elaborate on your security principles, your guidelines for the people using it, and the security policies incorporated to ensure that all of the principles are being met at all times.

Wrapping Up


Cybercrime is an evergreen threat that organizations face in the modern world. In 2019, about 88% of organizations experienced spear-phishing attempts. Cybercrime results in the loss of an immense amount of time, money, and resources that can set your company back several days, or sometimes even weeks. It is expected that cybercrime will cost the world $10.5 trillion annually by 2025.

Setting up a robust security system would help to prevent this to a large extent. Of course, security can never be 100%, but the goal is to get an inch closer to this number every step of the way and keep unwanted entities out as much as possible. This is why it is vital to frame a security system that continuously adheres to the above cybersecurity principles.